Oscar Picks

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


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Not a question of if, but when.

A lot of the articles seem to imply that he is gonna be a jump-off for phase IV. He may have a role in IW, but for sure he will be a main part of G3.

WARNING: spoilers below
I think he'll show up in IW:P2 and be the catalyst to beating Thanos. That or they'll have Nebula or Gamora sacrificing themselves to take him down ala the comics.

This might just do nobody any good.
WARNING: spoilers below
I would rather they leave Warlock out of Infinity War and have it all be Gamora and Nebula’s journey, stepping out of his shadow (and Drax has a stake in this too, remember).

See, the thing about Infinity War is that it has to wrap up A LOT of arcs. Iron Man, Cap Amer, Gamora/Nebula, Drax, Bucky, Nick Fury (If he shows up), Loki maybe, Hulk?, Hawkeye, pretty much most people from Phase 1.

This might just do nobody any good.
I think, for the most part, it should simple to provide closure. Iron Man needs to further on his character in Spider-Man: Homecoming, maturing into a leader or caretaker for all Avengers as he is with Peter Parker. Becoming the new Nick Fury figure and putting sentiment aside (as Black Widow notes in Civil War).

Cap needs to do so as well and acknowledge his selfishness (which he hinted at in the very end of Civil War). Loki sacrificing himself (or, at least, he’s ego) for the sake of the marauded Asgardians (maybe giving them and his rival sibling a chance to escape (and didn’t Hiddleston say he was about ready to leave the role?)), that could all be done in flashy action sequences.

All i want is Nathan Fillian To Play The Nova Core Guardians Character. Could care less who plays the Adam Warlock character but isnt that a plot hole issue since we saw in Guardians 1 Warlocks cocoon already and its open.

GotG 2 was awesome (I dislike the first) so I’m looking forward for the 3rd one. Hope for another amazing sondtracks

This might just do nobody any good.
James Gunn’s been fired from the director’s job after a series of offensive tweets about rape and pedophilia resurfaced.


Justice Is Served!

Even as a Marvel fan, I always found Gunn to be a massive a-hole in real life. The guy couldn’t stay off Twitter and couldn’t keep his foot out of his mouth. Gunn has always been a divisive hate monger and always seemed to be way more than a few cents short of a dollar. These new revelations expose him to be even worse than I realized.

Honestly, this is wonderful news and makes me feel better about Disney and mankind in general. Good riddance.

Welcome to the human race...
If you honestly think Gunn is a divisive hate-monger, you should see the guy who dug up the tweets in the first place.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Well, It's done. No going back. Stuff happens sometimes.

Taika Waititi, anyone?
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Patrick Bateman
Vice President
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I'm glad the only social media redickulousness I post is on MoFo. More like a bunch of prattle.

It might be a shizzy reason to be so, but tolerance got thrown out the window about 3 exits back. Then again, if you don't realize there isn't any value in twitter or the "gram" when you have so much to lose...

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Dave Bautista is not sure he wants to work for Disney anymore and thus, not sure if he plans to return as Drax.
It's All About the Movies

This might just do nobody any good.
Avengers 4 -

Thor: unfortunately, Thanos’ actions have weakened the gauntlet. I don’t know if I can bring everyone back...