MovieGal's Scandinavian Film Log

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January 4, 2016

Äideistä Parhain
(2005, Finland/Sweden)
Directed by Klaus Härö

One of the best films ever! A young Finnish boy loses his father during World War 2 and is sent to live with a foster family in Sweden, which was a neutral country. He has a difficult time bonding with his foster mother, who had just lost a child 2 years before due to an accident. This is an extremely emotional film.

There was approximately 70,000 children who left Finland to live with foster families in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. This film touches on what the lives of those children during wartime.

8.25 out of 10 !? I don't think I've ever see you give such a high rating like that!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

8.25 out of 10 !? I don't think I've ever see you give such a high rating like that!
if you read my beginning post... I am rating these a bit different... figure a 10 is about a 8 normally.

It's a decent movie, but 8,25 seems too high for me.
so if we go off my normal scale... the 10s in this thread are what I normally give a 8.... I think this would set about a 6.5 or 6.75.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
great thread!

Have you seen Hodejegerne aka Headhunters or The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared? The first is a suspense/thriller and the second is a comedy. I'd be curious to read what you have to say about them if they make your list

There are many suggestions here for me... as well as things I still want to re-watch and new films that I want to see...

I only use streaming sites so I may be limited.. we will see how it turns out. I have several on DVD that I just need to watch, mostly films with Mads Mikkelsen in it.. and a few with Ulrich Thomsen.

Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting.

so if we go off my normal scale... the 10s in this thread are what I normally give a 8.... I think this would set about a 6.5 or 6.75.
Whatever, the thing is you enjoyed it!

This week... on Wednesday night and Thursday day... I plan on 3 more...

so far Im thinking

Thale - Rewatch
Troll Hunter - Rewatch
Fear Me Not - Rewatch

Unless I find something new and exciting.

I hope my schedule goes as planned.

January 8, 2016

(2003, Sweden)
Directed by Mikael Håfström

This film is about a trouble teen who is considered a bully at his old school but now goes to a boarding school where he tries to make a new start. However the upper classmen bully the younger classmen. I found this a few years ago when looking for films starring a certain actor.

He looks so much like his father in this picture.

January 13, 2016

Kvinden I Buret
(2013, Denmark)
Directed by Mikkel Nørgaard
New Watch

Wow I was really impressed with this film. I love crime thrillers and well I didn't expect much at first because Nikolaj Lie Kaas tends to play a dysfunctional character in every film I have seen of his so far. He's dysfunctional in this as well but in a better fashion. Great Euro Crime film. Anyone who is a fan of the crime genre should definitely watch this. It can hold its own to American crime thrillers.

Sorry - looks like I missed the thread after your previous watch

'Evil' looks decent but not one I'd want to own so I'll look out for it in the hope Film4 shows it sometime. 'The Keeper Of Lost Causes' I'd not heard of before and looks like one that is right up the wife's Straße so has gone onto the Amazon 'buy' queue

Have you watched R: Hit First, Hit Hardest MG? I've been humming and hawing over this one for a while now as to whether or not it would be worth picking up a copy. I liked the French film Un Prophète and it stars Pilou Asbæk whom we know well on screen but opinion appears decidedly mixed as to whether this one compares or not.

Chyp, I have seen about 50+ Scandinavian films. Either the film was directed by Lars Von Trier, Nicolas Winding Refn, Anders Thomas Jensen or Susanne Bier or the films stars Mads Mikkelsen, which I have seen pretty much everything off his, Ulrich Thomsen and Stellan Skarsgård. I have seen a few random films from Denmark as well. I have seen a handful of films from Sweden, Norway and a bit more from Finland. Poor Iceland, I think I have seen one film so far, which was "Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre".

I hope to change this. I have several sites to guide my movie watching. Of course for this thread, I will be re-watching what I can but some of the films I have seen in the past are a bit harder to get my hands on. One in particular that I really enjoy is from Denmark called "Himlen Falder" and its very difficult to find to stream.

Very soon I'm going to watch "Fasandræberne" which looks like the sequel to "Kvinden I Buret" and later this year will be out the third film "Flaskepost fra P".

I have not seen "R: Hit Hard, Hit First". I will definitely look out for it. Any suggestions are appreciated. However, many Scandinavian films are in English as well and those I will not post in this thread. The film must be in one of the languages of the countries involved.

No worries MG, just thought I'd ask as you'd be someone that might have watched it. It's in Danish & Arabic btw, local title just seems to be R from what I can gather Guess I'll make the comparison myself some time as just bit the bullet and pulled the trigger on ordering a copy.

Looking forward to any others you come up with that might be of interest.

January 14, 2016

(2014, Denmark)
Directed by Mikkel Nørgaard
New Watch

This is the second installment to a trilogy of films based off the books by Jussi Adler Olsen. This one is just as good as the first one and I am waiting for the third to come out!

Do. I think you'll like it. I didn't really think the first season was much cop, if you'll pardon the pun, but it was ok and everyone else was raving about it. The second and third, however, I thought were a lot better though, with the second being my favourite. I preferred The Killing, though and think it's much better.

January 15, 2016

Den Du Frygter
(2008, Denmark)
Directed by Kristian Levring

Mikael is out of work and decides to become part of a trial group for a new anti-depressant. When things go wrong with the drug, the trial group is discontinued but Mikael continues to take the medication. Mikael's true emotions come out and things go wrong at home, which he feels is caused by the medication. He does harsh things to his controlling wife and his daughter, to a stranger and even sleeps with his sister-in-law. After all is said and done, he finds out he was part of the placebo group. The only thing he did, was act on his true feelings.