Oscar Picks

Six Feet Under


Couldn't find another thread for this show, but if there is one, I'm sure Yoda will relocate it for me. Watched and LOVED the pilot for this cringy black comedy that was created by Alan Ball, the Oscar-winning screenwriter of American Beauty. The story is about the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles. In the pilot, family patriarch Nathaniel (Richard Jenkins) is killed in a car accident, though he was all over this episode, and according to the IMDB, appears in 20 more episodes. Peter Krause plays eldest son, Nate, who returns home when he hears of his father's death, while beginning a relationship with a woman named Brenda (Rachel Griffiths) who is involved with someone else. Michael C Hall (Dexter) plays younger brother, David who is now running the funeral home and keeping the secret that he is gay and in love with a gay cop (Matthew St Patrick) from his family. Female sibling Claire (Lauren Abrose) is observed smoking crystal meth when she learns about her father and Nathaniel's widow, Ruth (the brilliant Frances Conroy), confesses to having cheated on her dead husband for years. A lot to absorb in a pilot, but I was riveted and will continue to watch.

SFU is a favorite. I've probably binge watched it 3 times, though it's been a while since. No spoilers here, I'll just say keep watching! It's fantastic.

I was completely fooled by by Rachel Griffiths authentic American accent, I had no idea she is Australian. I can't praise the acting enough, just fantastic all around. Great writing of course.

SFU is a favorite. I've probably binge watched it 3 times, though it's been a while since. No spoilers here, I'll just say keep watching! It's fantastic.

I was completely fooled by by Rachel Griffiths authentic American accent, I had no idea she is Australian. I can't praise the acting enough, just fantastic all around. Great writing of course.
I’ve seen it 2 or 3 times. Seems most folks have forgotten about this excellent show.

Australians are very good actors.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Couldn't find another thread for this show, but if there is one, I'm sure Yoda will relocate it for me. Watched and LOVED the pilot for this cringy black comedy that was created by Alan Ball, the Oscar-winning screenwriter of American Beauty. The story is about the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles. In the pilot, family patriarch Nathaniel (Richard Jenkins) is killed in a car accident, though he was all over this episode, and according to the IMDB, appears in 20 more episodes. Peter Krause plays eldest son, Nate, who returns home when he hears of his father's death, while beginning a relationship with a woman named Brenda (Rachel Griffiths) who is involved with someone else. Michael C Hall (Dexter) plays younger brother, David who is now running the funeral home and keeping the secret that he is gay and in love with a gay cop (Matthew St Patrick) from his family. Female sibling Claire (Lauren Abrose) is observed smoking crystal meth when she learns about her father and Nathaniel's widow, Ruth (the brilliant Frances Conroy), confesses to having cheated on her dead husband for years. A lot to absorb in a pilot, but I was riveted and will continue to watch.

SFU is a favorite. I've probably binge watched it 3 times, though it's been a while since. No spoilers here, I'll just say keep watching! It's fantastic.

I was completely fooled by by Rachel Griffiths authentic American accent, I had no idea she is Australian. I can't praise the acting enough, just fantastic all around. Great writing of course.
Yeah I learned about Griffith’s accent when she on Brothers and Sisters

Ep 2 of Season One opened with the reading of Nathaniel's will and no one really being happy about it except Ruth. Was not surprised that Nate was left half of a business that he hated nor that David is not happy about it at all. There seems to be a whole lot of backstory with Nathaniel Sr and Jr that I hope will be filled in at some point because Nate freezes over every time someone mentions his father. Loved the reveal that Nathaniel Sr knew David was gay and loved the scene of Nathaniel's ghost watching David and Keith in bed together. There's something a little too good to be true about Claire's boyfriend, Gabriel, definitely something going on there we haven't been privy too either. I was shocked when David asked his ex-wife to have sex with him and then showed up at Keith's apartment, drunk and requesting the same. Was not happy that this con man's death might be costing the business thousands of dollars or that some mystery company wants to buy them out. It was kind of weird how Brenda found the bus that hit Nate Sr., but that final moment on the bus with Nate Jr and David was sweet. Michael C Hall is crushing it in a very complex role, even more complex than Dexter and he and Frances Conroy are making this show appointment television all by themselves.

Michael C Hall is crushing it in a very complex role, even more complex than Dexter and he and Frances Conroy are making this show appointment television all by themselves.
David is a far more complex character than Dexter, IMO. I always found Dexter fairly straight forward. Starts off like the end point for most serial killers and works backwards, becoming more 'human/emotional' in each season (which I think is why so many people prefer season 1 over every other Trinity season) but as the MO is set, it's mainly an internal process as he still has to be Dexter and do all the rest of the stuff the story calls for.

David is a far more complex character than Dexter, IMO. I always found Dexter fairly straight forward. Starts off like the end point for most serial killers and works backwards, becoming more 'human/emotional' in each season (which I think is why so many people prefer season 1 over every other Trinity season) but as the MO is set, it's mainly an internal process as he still has to be Dexter and do all the rest of the stuff the story calls for.
Hated Dexter.

Season One, Ep 3. This episode was a little more predictable than the previous two, but no less entertaining. Both Nate Jr and his mom, Ruth are walking contradictions. Every move they make is a complete 180 from the previous one. I can't believe Nate went behind his family's business and tried to sell it to Croner and then five minutes later after a ghostly convo with his dad, changed his mind. The mystery of the bakery worker and his missing foot had a very Sweeney Todd mood to it. After what happened to Claire at school, I knew exactly what happened to that missing foot. What I didn't understand is why Gabriel just tossed it in some random field instead of turning it into the police. Very pleased with the introduction of Caroline Aaron as Ruth's BFF. Ruth really needs a friend right now. Frances Conroy was genuinely terrifying in that scene where they were going through Nate Sr's clothes, and her adventure at the track was the one element of the episode that was really a surprise to me. I'm liking Brenda less and less with each episode. She doesn't really seem to give a damn about Nate Jr and is only using him for sex. Also pleased that Claire knows about David and Keith, but I hope she keeps the reveal to herself. Loved that scene with Claire and Keith. Keith really seems to be genuinely in love with David and David is someone who really needs some love right now. Also ready to see the role of Rico beefed up,,,Freddy Rodriguez is adorable in the role.

@Gideon58 It's been a few years since I watched SFU and I am really enjoying your summaries.

Season One, Ep 4. This episode was sizzling on all four burners. Jacob Vargas was nothing short of superb as the gangbanger who gets shot and become the next ghostly customer of Fisher and Sons. The idea that he should make a connection with David (Michael C Hall) of all people, was absolutely inspired. Loved the scene of Keith (Matthew St Patrick) handling that homophobe in the parking lot was terrific, but I have a feeling that because he told the guy to file a complaint, what he did might come back and bite him on the ass. I really felt him when he was telling David what he goes through at the station every day, because David clearly doesn't have a clue what life might be like for a gay cop. I wasn't surprised that Paco came to life while David was stitching up but had to giggle when he accused David of looking at his dick. Was also surprised when he told David he should have been more supportive regarding the parking lot incident. I continue to struggle with getting a grasp of Ruth, one of the most unpredictable television character I have ever encountered. I think after she witnessed Nate and Brenda going at it, that she will never fully accept Brenda, which is OK by me. I was not pleased that Brenda ignored Nate's request that she not try to make things up with Ruth, I think she only made it worse. I'm glad that Rico agreed to help David with Paco's family, even though the way he did it was terrible. I don't know why, but I found it disturbing that none of the gang members who attended Paco's service wore a button down shirt to the service, let alone a suit. I was amused by that moment of one of the gang members showing David the various war scars on his body and David seeming to fight being aroused by it. It was interesting that the police questioned Nate, Brenda, and David about the fire, but didn't question Claire, who everybody suspected did it, and then 2/3 of the way into the episode, we learn the police have closed the investigation? Really? I think Brenda did it. Loved the prayer circle at the end where Paco's family included the Fishers in the circle, thanking them for their work, and David seeming to be unable to let go of Paco's hand. Excellent episode.

I love Brenda, I love all the characters. It's a terrific series for the fans of dysfunctional family drama.
Have you watched The Affair ?

[quote=LeBoyWondeur;2516026]I love Brenda, I love all the characters. It's a terrific series for the fans of dysfunctional family drama.
Have you watched The Affair ?[/QUOTE
I LOVED The Affair…MauraTierney was amazing

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Watched it obsessively when it was first leaking out episode by episode, start to finish. Yes, unique storytelling concept. Excellent acting. Immersive psychological studies. The last episode was one of the few that really gave you a conclusion you felt tied everything together elegantly. (It's often cited in reviews that way.)
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

I love Brenda, I love all the characters. It's a terrific series for the fans of dysfunctional family drama.
Have you watched The Affair ?
I hated the Affair, but loved SFU.

Season One, Ep 5 was one of those hours of television that literally had me talking back to the screen for most of the episode. LOVED the introduction of Joanna Cassidy and Robert Foxworth as Brenda's parents. who did provided some backstory for Brenda. That was so creepy and calculated how they invited Nate to dinner without Brenda being there. Between the creepy dinner with Brenda's parents and Brenda's dismissive attitude about the whole thing I don't understand why Nate isn't running away from her as fast he can. Loved the introduction of Jeremy Sisto as Brenda's half-naked brother and I KNEW he was her brother the second he appeared onscreen, not the ex that Nate suspected. I practically burst into tears when David and Keith ran into Nate and Brenda and David took Keith's hand, basically coming out to his brother. Then I wanted to put my fist through the screen when minutes later David told Keith he couldn't go away for the weekend with him. I understand Keith's anger but I hope they can work things out with each other, I love those two and they really need each other. Everything that happened regarding Viveca the porn star...from Rico's confusion as what to do about making her breasts appear properly to Sandra Oh's hysterical cameo as Viveca's fellow porn star. It was also lovely seeing Ruth and Claire trying to mend faces, though the process is still in baby steps. Great episode, which was directed by Oscar winner Kathy Bates.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Season One, Ep 5 was one of those hours of television that literally had me talking back to the screen for most of the episode. LOVED the introduction of Joanna Cassidy and Robert Foxworth as Brenda's parents. who did provided some backstory for Brenda. That was so creepy and calculated how they invited Nate to dinner without Brenda being there. Between the creepy dinner with Brenda's parents and Brenda's dismissive attitude about the whole thing I don't understand why Nate isn't running away from her as fast he can. Loved the introduction of Jeremy Sisto as Brenda's half-naked brother and I KNEW he was her brother the second he appeared onscreen, not the ex that Nate suspected. I practically burst into tears when David and Keith ran into Nate and Brenda and David took Keith's hand, basically coming out to his brother. Then I wanted to put my fist through the screen when minutes later David told Keith he couldn't go away for the weekend with him. I understand Keith's anger but I hope they can work things out with each other, I love those two and they really need each other. Everything that happened regarding Viveca the porn star...from Rico's confusion as what to do about making her breasts appear properly to Sandra Oh's hysterical cameo as Viveca's fellow porn star. It was also lovely seeing Ruth and Claire trying to mend faces, though the process is still in baby steps. Great episode, which was directed by Oscar winner Kathy Bates.
Ohhh, you are going to LOVE all the stuff they do with her parents in this series!

Season One, Ep 6. It was so much fun watching Nate Jr learn so much about his dad that he didn't know, especially the fact that his father was proud of him. I had a feeling that scene where Nate fantasizes what Dad did in that room he rented secretly was Nate's fantasy and not what really happened there. Richard Jenkins nailed that dream sequence where Nathan Sr and Jr got high together. It was nice to see David finally give that annoying girl Tracy or whatever her name is, her walking papers, she was beyond annoying and really needs lessons in reading a room. There's some major chemistry between Lauren Ambrose and Jeremy Sisto, which led to the obligatory scene of Brenda trying to talk Claire out of dating her brother. Mr. Jones, the widower who was the Fishers' latest clients, was obnoxious but as the episode progressed and he wouldn't leave the funeral home, I realized he literally couldn't live without her. What was that thing with Ruth and the pot in the opening scene? I did love that the flirting from the florist drove her right back into Hiram's arms. Brenda continues to be annoying as she seems to want everyone to read her book and then not believe a word she wrote. Rico seemed to be the only Fisher and Sons employee who knew how to handle Mr Jones. More Rico, please. I think this might have been the first episode where Ruth cracks a smile. Loved her reaction to those photos Nate gave her.