Apocalypse Now (1979)
The war was being run by a bunch of four star clowns who were gonna end up giving the whole circus away.
Apocalypse Now is probably the most original story I've seen told in a Vietnam war setting. The themes blend in so perfectly without beating you over the head with some pretentious lesson to the viewers, and the film holds no restraints in exploring dark themes like the descent into madness in the face of war, and the need for escape. Whether that escape be through drugs, like for Lance and Chef, or Alcohol for Willard. The emptiness of grounded American principles and values that dissolve from home, to playboy mates and surfing, which is now a mesh of what home is to them. The thing that really keeps this
really good movie from being
great however, are the characters. While Robert Duvall and Marlon Brando steal every scene they're in and are incredible(Obviously, that's like calling a Tom Hanks performance ''good.''), combined they have maybe 30 minutes of screen time, leaving 2 hours for a very, very disappointingly bland performance from Martin Sheen, who's only apparent character traits were alcoholism and his power struggle with Chief, until the last half hour where everything picks up. He's stuck with the company of the incredibly unlikable crew on the ship. I know they're supposed to be constantly changing into a darker more unrecognizable version of themselves, but when I have to sit through nearly 3 hours of them on a boat together, the least they could do is be interesting, likable or relatable, which they are none of. They just went from mediocre, to me completely checking out when I'm supposed to care that something has happened to them. One character in particular has a death scene I was rooting for because he was so obnoxious and annoying.
Aside from the plot and performances, the cinematography is famously astonishing and still mesmerizes nearly 40 years later, and is still being borrowed from and taken inspiration from. Apocalypse Now is a must see for fans of war movies, character studies or film in general.