Random Acts Of Kindness Towards Sick/Injured Animals.


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Good on you, cricket. Hes a little too cutie for sure. P and not long from the groomers by the look of him. Bless your cotton socks.

Need advice!

My wife texted me rushing me home from work saying one of the dogs chased an injured bird into the wooods. Somehow, 15 minutes later, I found him. We don't think he's hurt, just too young to fly. She doesn't want him out there until he can fly because of the feral cat we feed. We have him in a carry case upstairs with water and some pieces of one of them suets. Now what?

Right. If he can’t fly, but is uninjured, I think that’s best. Whether he connects with his parents again is unknown. Tough decision to make.

@cricket, one thing I forgot to mention, which I only recently found out, is that if you find a bird on the ground who cannot fly yet (but is uninjured) leave it be. Don’t move it since the parents will come down to the ground to feed it. Most likely it fell out of the nest.

Friday night I am getting ready for bed & walk into the spare bedroom which has an en suite bathroom, which is our main bathroom. I walk in, turn on the overhead light & a bat is flying around. I shrieked & closed the door. Husband said he would take c/o of it, but not right then since he needed to feed outside cats. I knew I wouldn’t sleep until the bat was gone. Later on he came in bedroom & said he couldn’t find it. I asked him if he had searched with a flashlight. He said he had. Liar!

When husband starts snoring or snuffling in his sleep I sleep in spare bedroom. That night I couldn’t so had to sleep on a loveseat downstairs that is neither long enough or wide enough to sleep on. That was a first for me.

Next morning I knew, unfortunately, that I would have to find the bat. So I faced my fears & carefully searched the bathroom with a flashlight. Nothing. Then I searched bedroom. Nothing. Just as I was leaving I found the bat tucked into one of the window drapes. I closed the doors & husband got bat outside. Ugh.

Got this lovely cat, Oreo, adopted this morning. Mentioned it to a friend last Thursday, sent her this photo, &, boom, done. Never succeeded in doing something so quickly in my life.

7 weeks later my friend has returned the cat to its original owner. Who she knows is relocating to PA & cannot take the cat with her. My friend had previously declawed cats or kittens because of her furniture & she said the cat didn’t work out because she clawed furniture legs & jumped on tables & dressers. If a cat is provided with one of those climbing things it won’t jump on tables. I gave her lots of advice, but she took none of it. Really annoyed & disappointed. Goodness knows what will eventually happen to this lovely cat.

I remember Oreo. Such a cute kitty. I hope you find. another home for this sweet looking cat. Why can't the cat go to Pennsylvania? Can the original owner reconsider? PA would be a far less lonely place to settle into with a cat.

Btw I personally would never declaw a cat ( tho I 've known at least one who took pretty good care of herself, w/o claws - long story, maybe for another time) I think if you're gonna have a cat, or two; you may as well just accept the likelihood that your sofa and tablecloths and chair legs and drapes and your good coat in the locked closet that you didn't even know the cats could get into( do cats have hidden thumbs? ) -well there's a good chance that all these things are gonna wind up a little......frayed.

Never really bothered me in the long run. After all, I never met a drape or a chair leg that could crawl up into your lap, and snuggle and cuddle and purr.

Well good luck Stirch, I know you'll do every thing you can to find Oreo a good home.

Well good luck Stirch, I know you'll do every thing you can to find Oreo a good home.
I won’t be doing anything of the kind. As I said the cat has been returned to her original owner. I wash my hands of the entire thing & wish I hadn’t got involved in the first place.

Learned an interesting fact yesterday. I’m rather fascinated by chipmunks, but had no idea that they live only in North America or parts of Asia (but only the Siberian chipmunk). In other words, growing up in England I never saw a chipmunk.

I picked a dying wasp off the carpet and put it on a bit of paper towel so it was comfortable while it was dying, after all I think it was the fault of my fat arse after I sat on it, stood up and this wasp fell off me onto the floor...

Unlike other people who were telling me to squash it, I find that hard to do to an insect! sorry.

Same here. I always scoop wasps, spiders, etc. into a small cup & get them outside. Only things I will kill are flies or ants inside my house.

I don't even kill those things, I use something to get flies out of the house and if they are weak I give them some sugar water until they get enough energy to fly... Never had ants in the house though.

I remember a blocked off fireplace in my last house, one day I noticed a fly managed to squeeze out of the thing blocking it and thought nothing of it, then a few more flies were flying around the room and I went to move the wood blocking it...

Disgusting. I loathe them. Strangely enough, this summer I have not used a fly strip even once. (I hate the ugly things, but they work.) I wonder if our intense heat has scared them off or something?

Downstairs toilet door blew open with the wind. Window was wide open. Something made me go downstairs at that moment & I was just in time to catch Kandy going through the window & Looby Loo about to follow her. Damn scary.