What is your favorite YouTube video?


'tera ghata' ( your loss ) is a beautiful song in which the singer proposes to a girl who rejects the proposal . he imagines the things they would have done together like including romantic dinners and making love , and sings that it's your ( her ) loss . but some girls have answered this by pointing to their crotch and singing that the loss is always of the man , as he loses the opportunity he has been dying for---to have sex with her what else....

original song---

girls' answer---

A bowling game with two great diva matsuda seiko and nakamori akina, partner with legendary duo comedian downtown?
#teamAkina so cute


For @resopamenic
This video was banned from YouTube for the longest time (for copyright reasons - so it may disappear again soon).
But it's a rockin tune and the visuals that appear halfway through the video with the neon make-up & wigs is quite a sight.
I know it's got something to do with vampires, but I totally don't get the intro with the fake noses (if you speak Japanese, and the noses somehow relate to the song, maybe you can explain).
Song starts at 0:58.

@Captain Steel
Not really for deciphering it completely Cap, my knowledge mostly just phrase by phrase -popular and frequent on- in direct way it's like guessing what's point of their convo, and it's quiet easier in comedy -i suppose- since there joke patterns follow up

The opening skit actually broken english, the girls praising nose each other and seems the older girl appear remind them for been too long, thing already started, urge them to go fast -onstage we suppose- an then "light dissappear....!" - basically what she said

The song was like forbidden love or something, loving someone that shouldnt be love, question it, thing like that. The verse -probably- conveying they would passionately through with the the love, even obssesively like vampiya biting person neck-i guess this is vampire u mean about

Now back to the nose talk, the skit is typical absurd comedy that seems has nothing to do with the song. But after the last shot with nose it probably refer to
Nose = hana in japanese, which also could mean flower. Now flower often related to symbolise to youth -if im not mistaken - There phrase sound like "hana no seishun wa "

*on the video: love it through wonder i havent found this tune whereabout. Also the video isnt an official channel of them btw?
Japan could be privy with their stuff

Thanks! I guess the elements that made me think of vampires are the cloaks they wear in the dance shots with the high collars, all the black in the costumes, the use of lots of bat imagery throughout the video, the neon crosses, and the ominous organ music used at certain parts (reminiscent of old horror movies).

Here's another of their videos - this one is fun to watch for the camera work: from what I understand there is never a cut in the camera shot -- it's continuous, which means it must have taken a heck of a lot of planning to set this up: