Indian Movie I Need The Title To


Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
A friend of mine was telling me about a film from India he saw but can't remember the name of. His exact words were

"it was completely pointless. It was like a porno and at the end the main character's head is stepped on by an elephant."

I just wanted to find out what movie it is for him. Mainly so he can refer to it by name when telling people to avoid it. If anyone can help, that'd be awesome.

Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
Seeing as how this response has two thumbs up, I'll take it as the answer.

I haven't seen it myself, but upon a quick search I found it to be "a movie with a whole lot of sex, in which a guy dies when an elephant steps on his head." I figured that was a pretty sure fire sign of it being the right movie.

Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
Well thank you. I'm sure he appreciates it so he can tell the world to avoid it.