Killer's daughter is kidnapped


I remember watching a movie or TV series episode, maybe 4 years ago (it was translated int Spanish), where someone kidnaps a few girls in USA. The police starts looking for them and among the parents there is a professional killer (maybe from the CIA).

At some moment the other parents realise that one of them is a killer, and as the case isn't progressing very much they ask him to do whatever is needed.

Finally they find the girls and when the killer is in front of the kidnapper, asking not to be killed by the killer, the killer's daughter tells him to kill him, and he does.

Next you can see how father and daughter have moved to another city to begin (again) a new life.

Do you know which movie or TV series this is, please?

Just a wild guess. I did not watch it because it is in spanish. The series La Promesa.

Thanks for your attempt MovieChas, but it was a USA movie/TV series dubbed into Spanish, so I'm afraid "La Promesa" isn't it.

Thanks AgrippinaX. I loved Taken, really good, but it's not that one :-(

I think that the scene where the daughter tells the father not to let the kidnapper be caught by the police and better kill him happens in a public bathroom in a gas station or high school.

That's it OHForums!!!

I thought it could be Criminal Mids, but I searched before in a list of their plots and couldn't find it.

Thank you very much OHForums!!!