Your thoughts on EX MACHINA?


I thought it was good but not great. I don't think it's near as epic or as strong as all the hype kept making out, but it was fairly good.
Although having watched Annihilation its probably a good thing that the film stays at a relatively small scale, I don't think a grand sci fi on the level of Stalker or Blade Runner suits Garlands talents.

As a relatively nice looking small scale drama I think its very effective indeed and does challenge its audience a decent amount rather than just going down the obvious route of being critical of Nathan's character.

I really, really liked it.

It was a refreshing throw back to the speculative science fiction of, like, the '70s and at the same time very au courant.

I loved it's cosy but disquieting atmosphere. I liked the characters, I loved the romance.

It's rare I give a movie 10/10 but this time I am. Exactly the thing I wanted to see. Maybe a couple of wrong notes but not enough to mark it down.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Since we are talking about it I didn't quite get the ending.


Why did Ava leave Caleb to die at the end? Did it turn out she was just sinister towards humans all along,and though they were all the same and bad?

very emotional, engaging, and original story, i loved it

It left me a bit cold. I think it has great set-design, cinematography, music, and acting. It's entertaining while it lasts, but I wasn't really blown away by it. It's grown on me though. I think Annihilation is on another level, though.
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