Movies 1000 years from now


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All great civilizations that have come and gone (Rome, Greece, Egypt etc.) have left their mark, and they still continue to be studied to this day. No doubt in the future the 20th century will be studied as the beginning of the modern Technological civilization, and everything that happened. I think that one of the most important things we'll be remembered for is the beginning of movies, films etc. Obviously they won't be able to watch all the movies from this era (just like we don't read every single book from Rome), but they will instead watch and study some key ones.

So, which movies do you think will be remembed for one reason or another 1000 years from now?

In my opinion, 2001: A Space Oddysey will be a favourite, all the Roman epics (like Spartacus, Quo Vadis and Ben Hur), some of the war movies like Apocalypse Now, Platoon...

I've just drawn a mental blank so I'll stop now, but I'll add some later on
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Timing's Avatar
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I think it will be a mix of some greats from each genre.

Casablanca, Star Wars trilogy, Godfather, Platoon, Terms of Endearment, ET, Caddyshack, Lethal Weapon, Color Purple, Psycho, Aliens...

Stuff like that.

MovieForums Extra

Yeah, it would probably be a mix like that...

I assume they'd want to learn about the times when it all began, how we lived, where we stuffed up and where we did good, and everything in between. I just changed my mind actually, I think they'll go for the simpler movies, probably ones that aren't considered to be too hot now, but that show relationships between two humans...? ET is sort of one of these, teenage high school comedies as well as stuff like 90210(?), maybe some futuristic movies that show how we portrayed the future!

I still watch some of those sci-fi movies from the 50's about how they imagined the year 2000 to be and it's quite funny !

bigvalbowski's Avatar
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I have to believe that a thousand years from now, nobody will be interest in movies. I somehow doubt they'll survive. It's a sad fact that celluloid is destructable, sure the transition to DVD and other technologies will prolong the life of cinema but I don't think there will be too much interest in this medium come 3000AD.

For historical interest, any film that is on the National Register probably has a better chance of survival, so that means the Farrely Brothers films may be lost forever. For shame!
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I think movies 20 years from now will suck. Their running out of ideas.
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Female assassin extraordinaire.
i agree, they're running out of story ideas. but i also think story ideas are reflections of the populace and so the mass of teeny bopper movies and crappy movies mixed in with the few quality ones are a reflection of the time. i hope (and think) that we will evolve when it comes to films and can count later on a higher quality of films. also, if you think about it, film is a VERY new medium. it's really not that old. it needs time to develop. the same with photography, digital photography, online film, etc. all sorts of new mediums are coming about as the result of technology and the art that can come out of them are still finding a language and a voice.

films are not just entertainment but an art form as worthy as writing, painting, music, etc, and it just hasn't reached the strong force it could be yet. so, by that time, I think it will really have been developed and a lot more quality films will exist in the archives. and they'll be able to refer to them whenever they want because hopefully we'll keep updating the technology that we archive them on ...

anyway, I also think they'll definitely use film as we use other social and creative factors to explore and learn more about the time period, as you guys have said.

i think in particular, the most ringing things, will sort of reflect the decade ...

silent film, gangster film- 1920s
black and whites (romance/western) - 1930s
musicals - 1930s
WWII related film (social - allied, happy go lucky, American wholesome) - 1940s
avant garde, film as art - 1910-30s, 1970s
loosening of western morals explored in film - 1960 onward
action films - 1980s-current
sci fi - 1950s, current
teeny-bopper films - 1980s, current

not that this is the whole deal but you know what i mean. and of course, more genres will develop, i'm sure, as humanity hopefully improves, and new ideas and new ways of looking at things and a whole new sort of language develops with film art and entertainment.

MovieForums Extra
Funny thing you should mention film as an art (the seventh art really), I was thinking about this the other day...

I think that pretty soon, film will go through a sort of "renaissance" of the movie industry, where we will see the movies going back to more "classical" roots based around story, acting and film technique rather than sfx. The special effects movies are sort of testing new territory, seeing how far we can go with this new medium...pretty soon, we'll all get tired of it, and movies won't focus on them so much any's like a baby playing with a new rattle until it gets tired of it!

And even so, if you think about the good films of the past, then you'd realise that for every great film that we view as a "classic" now, there are probably tens, if not hundreds, of second grade films that have came and gone, and that no one remembers...same with modern films as well. It'll probably be these films that will make it into the future! (because they'll probably have unimaginable sfx, but they'll still be human, so they will be able to relate to the "human condition")