Happy Anniversary, doubledenim!


_____ is the most important thing in my life…
Se7en years 😳 Crazy to think about that. Somebody must be doing something right around here.

Big thanks to Mr. Green, the MoFo Patreon would be the only one I’d ever join. Obviously the lowest tier with none of the good perks, but who am I tryna fool.

Thanks to mark for being one of the nicest members here. JC for the original Predator gif. Sookie for being our resident bright spot. Honeykid for introducing me to the term, “having a moan” and me using it every chance I get. Cricket for being my 2nd favorite Masshole in the world.

Thanks to everyone that lets me do what I do here, no matter how inane it may be 🤓

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
Thanks, Wylde. I feel like we would have gotten along back in the day. Elbow to elbow at an arcade, fighting over who got to be the Sonics on NBA Jam. Pretty sure backwards hats were involved.