A Movie You Appreciated More on the Second Viewing


One that comes immediately to mind for me is THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN with Eddie Murphy. It was somewhat of a chore getting through it the first time, but, for some reason, enjoyed it much more the second time I watched it.

One that comes immediately to mind for me is THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN with Eddie Murphy. It was somewhat of a chore getting through it the first time, but, for some reason, enjoyed it much more the second time I watched it.
I am on an Eddie Murphy movie spree now. Hard to say how long i can continue. Already getting annoyed and i only have watched 5! Most of his movies on IMDB are well below 6! Never watched this one though. Will give this a try.
My Favorite Films

I watched Bonnie and Clyde a few years ago and really disliked it.

I watched it again about a month ago and it felt so much better than I remembered it being.

The Abyss for me.

I remember going to the cineman when it first came out and I was relatively young at the time. I was bored and disliked the film quite a lot.

Saw it again many years later and thought wow I really was having an off day in the cinema. Loved it so much that I bought the special extended edition when it was released.

Loads of other films have made me re-evaluate but the The Abyss is the one that stands out for this topic.
Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I believe the second part.

And only because it hasn't been mentioned yet, I have to say THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP...appreciated it more and more upon each re-watch.
Who is GARP?

A system of cells interlinked
Cloud Atlas

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Monsters (2010). I first saw it in standard definition on TV and the second time it was on Blu-ray. I wouldn't say it's always the case but here the improved sound and the high definition made it a much richer experience.

Most recently, Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation fit this category for me. The former because I could appreciate the slower pace more the second time, and the latter because I could anticipate how odd and unfitting the ending kind of is.

On a future note, I really need to see Midsommar again because I think I will like it a whole lot more after a second viewing.

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - first time it was hard to watch, but the second time was awesome. Maybe my mood was very suitable.

The Royal Tennenbaums (2001) - The first time you watch it, it's a comedy the second time it's a tragedy.

Con Air (1997) - Getsbetter every time, especially as time goes by.

The Verdict (1982) - I hated this the first time I watched this, I was definitely to young and missed way too much of it. Second viewing it's so much better.

2001 A Space Odyssey (1968) - Saw this on IMAX the theater was shaking with the sound, just a completely different film.

The Maltese Falcon (1941) - You get sucked into the mystery at first but you miss all the character stuff until you watch it again.

The inseption.. for soure!