Your Most Controversial Film Opinions?


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I think it kinda is, if we're rating the films and not actually throwing orthogonal shade at people for liking them "too much."
Speak for yourself - just checked my own ratings and, out of the ten films of his that I've seen, I only have five of them at 3.5 or higher. No idea how much (if any) of that has to do with evaluating them less as their own works and more other people "overrating" them, though - then again, we've been over the problem with overrated discourse time and time again on here so yeah.

That being said, I wonder if it's possible for something to be called overrated so much that it loops around to being underrated. Don't think that applies to Nolan films, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Speak for yourself
I think it's obvious that's exactly what I was doing, yeah. But I'm pretty sure a lot of the criticisms around Nolan are based around what I'm saying: some kind of resentment that the hoi polloi think of them as "smart" when they're more "smart for a blockbuster," or whatever. And besides if you really want a film that touches on those themes something something Tarkovsky.

Kinda reminds me of The Matrix and all the pushback it got because people were annoyed by teenagers thinking it was profound because it was their first exposure to several (extremely common and shallowly represented) philosophical concepts.

Anyway, I think it's shockingly hard to separate opinions of things like this from the reaction the culture at large has to them.

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That being said, I wonder if it's possible for something to be called overrated so much that it loops around to being underrated. Don't think that applies to Nolan films, though.
