Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Lake Mungo (2008)

For some reason for years I thought this was a Japanese horror film, something similar to Noroi: The Curse.. well it's not.. it's Australian and it's trash.. it's apparently about a family dealing with grief of their daughter drowning in a lake although they hardly seem grief stricken at all, the father in particular is bland and unlikable and when he's talking about his teenage daughter drowning in a lake, you might be forgiven for thinking it was a cat that drowned, all the things happening don't seem real or like human behaviour... after one thing happens they say the father was inconsolable, although you don't get to see this because I doubt the actor had that range.. its also a chilling ghost story (it isn't) it tries to be clever but it isn't.. I can't be bothered to rate this.. anybody know of a Japanese horror film called Lake something??
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Whenever I thought of film noir this is the film I pictured even though I had never seen it. Terrific film. Absolutely nothing to complain about.

I've watched a lot of films recently which I'll post about soon but a couple I saw in the cinema last week that I would be surprised if anyone else has seen:

(Annemarie Jacir, 2017)

A complex portrayal of family relationships and society in Nazareth. The beauty of this film is that the plot is fairly simple but is used as a device where the story is conveyed through the use of images, dialogue and the performances. Each scene adds a new layer to the film, building a rich detail filled portrayal of the family. The plot builds and builds, and does get more explicit by the end, but it's not too relevant. What I liked about the film is that the destination wasn't that important, and that it took a balanced approach to tackling the varying opposing forces such as conservatism versus liberalism, traditions versus progressive values, and so on. Very humorous too and I was not surprised to see that the two main characters are real life father and son, there's great chemistry with the cast throughout.

(Mark Jenkin, 2019)

Shot on black and white 16mm and put together pretty much by one man, Bait is more a documentary verite style film than a piece of formal film making, although it does play with those elements at certain times with use of flashbacks and editing. Definitely a film for our times, for people in the UK. Takes a look at the social issues and anger felt in many "neglected" communities of today, who feel that they are being left behind as the country changes and moves forward. I wrote a review here - http://screen-hopping.co.uk/film-reviews/bait/ - if anyone wants to hear more

Rocketman (2019)

Just like Chawhee said, I like Elton John more than Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody was pretty good, so I had high hopes. They're both amazing musical artists; there's just more songs I like by Elton. At first I thought this was going to be terrible but it grew on me to the point where I was very entertained. It's probably better suited as a Broadway play and it was missing Elton's voice, but his story and his legend are worth telling. The vast majority of filmmakers are just simply not up to the task of doing a movie like this justice. It's likely that I'm giving it plus rating with my heart rather than with my head.

Death Wish II (1982) 6/10
Still very watcheable.

Midsommar (2019)

It's quite weird. I love it.
Strange, watching it was OK and I liked the premise but found the actors cold.

4th or 5th time watching this film -

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

Welcome home (2018)

Neat little thriller but nothing original. The setting is gorgeous but it's a by the numbers tale. Should have made more of the break of trust aspect. That would have made the film more cerebral. All in all, not bad but not memorable.

Night Monkey likes to beat it.
The Furies (2019)

I'm so done with slasher movies. They are film's bottom of the barrel, lowest common denominator.
Art is like a public restroom, we can all gratefully use it to release something, but most people just make a mess and don't respect it. --Night Monkey

Shot on black and white 16mm and put together pretty much by one man, Bait is more a documentary verite style film than a piece of formal film making, although it does play with those elements at certain times with use of flashbacks and editing. Definitely a film for our times, for people in the UK. Takes a look at the social issues and anger felt in many "neglected" communities of today, who feel that they are being left behind as the country changes and moves forward. I wrote a review here - http://screen-hopping.co.uk/film-reviews/bait/ - if anyone wants to hear more
Really need to see this. It was sold out in my local arthouse cinema. Which never happens.

'Diego Maradona' (2019)

Superb documentary about the flawed genius footballer Diego Maradona. I'm probably biased as I grew up watching his genius on the pitch and the controversy that followed him. But even if you have no clue who he is, it's a great portrait of a troubled man who felt the world on his shoulders. The unseen footage and on the pitch sounds are incredible, and there was alot of backstory involving love affairs and the Naples maffia that I knew nothing about.

'The Ox-Bow incident' (1943)

Dark, short, tense moralistic Western. Henry Fonda playing a very similar role to that of his other great ethical dilemma movie - '12 Angry Men'. All the ugly hallmarks of mob-justice are on display, with Fonda being the only level headed one amongst them. The decision whether or not to hang three drifters with little evidence is the central plot. Reveals at the ending are predictable but still pack a punch. Excellent film. One of the best Westerns I've seen.

“I was cured, all right!”

I'll watch again soon. Really liked.

...and I was thinking a movie couldn't get more worse than Annabelle 3...
Well, I was wrong. This is the new definition of "BAD" trip.

Junior Bonner (1972)

Continuing my catch-up with Bloody Sam this is a first time watch fro me. It's certainly not Peckinpahs finest work but holds a charm and is a solid enough. McQueen is excellent.

1st Re-watch...Crisp and detailed by direction by the reliable Robert Zemeckis and the accustomed powerhouse performance by Denzel Washington makes this film appointment viewing. Denzel's character is pretty reprehensible here which makes his redemption at the film's conclusion a little hard to buy, but this is still riveting screen entertainment.

Can't believe this movie is almost 30 years old, but it still provides sparkling, mindless entertainment that introduced a whole new teenspeak that gives the average teen comedy its own dash of originality. So smart and a lot of fun. Dan Hedeya is brilliant as Cher's dad.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Along Came the Devil II (Jason DeVan, 2019)

Rarely these days, sequels are as good as the originals but this is one of those rarities where the sequel was not just as good as the original, it was slightly better! The third and final act is both jaw-dropping and leaves room for a potential third installment. I loved the original and this one was well acted by Laura Slade Wiggins, Mark Ashworth, and Cassius DeVan, who could be a breakout star in the genre.

It's All About the Movies