Oscar Picks

The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
As noted, I missed the submission deadline, but this was the active draft list at the time. Two or three might have moved around within the high teens, but I was feeling pretty good with it. I still hate i missed it, so been sitting on the sidelines.

  1. La La Land
  2. Argo
  3. The Hateful Eight
  4. Drive
  5. Dredd
  6. Moneyball
  7. The Crazies
  8. 13 Assassins
  9. Gone Girl
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy
  11. The King’s Speech
  12. Whiplash
  13. The Arrival
  14. Black Swan
  15. Saving Mr. Banks
  16. Shutter Island
  17. Birdman
  18. Margin Call
  19. The Lego Movie
  20. Hugo
  21. Ex Machina
  22. Midnight Special
  23. Nightcrawler
  24. The Big Short
  25. Mother!
  26. The Lighthouse
  27. Blue Valentine
  28. Molly’s Game
  29. The Founder
  30. The Post
  31. Phantom Thread
  32. I Saw the Devil
  33. Wind River
  34. The American
  35. Mandy
  36. The House that Jack Built

Where do you access your ballot stats?

Also, I threw together a fun little tool to streamline the post-countdown sharing process (and alleviate the post-countdown depression):

Your Ballot Results

You can do a couple of things with this:
  • See all your films and where they ranked (NOTE: does not handle tiebreakers, so it's just a general range for some). Threw in some little stats about how many made various cutoffs, and automatically calculated each person's highest and lowest-ranked entry.
  • Easily grab some bbCode you can copy and paste into a post to share your ballot.

Had a lot of fun listening to the podcast. Speling basically opened saying "Hey, if Thief did it, anyone can!"

j/k! It was a great conversation, and loved listening more about Speling's thought process when doing this.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

"You had 8 in the top 100, 5 in the top 50, 2 in the top 25, and 0 in the top ten. Your highest ranked film was ranked #23 (Inception), and your lowest ranked film was #754 (Richard Jewell)."

LAMb EELYAK's Ballot

  1. Room (2015)
  2. Interstellar (2014)
  3. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
  4. Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
  5. Victoria (2015)
  6. The Avengers (2012)
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
  8. The Hunger Games (2012)
  9. About Time (2013)
  10. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
  11. Jojo Rabbit (2019)
  12. Loving Vincent (2017)
  13. A Star Is Born (2018)
  14. They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
  15. One Cut of the Dead (2017)
  16. The Book Thief (2013)
  17. The Book of Henry (2017)
  18. Inception (2010)
  19. Creed (2015)
  20. Skyfall (2012)
  21. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
  22. Inside Out (2015)
  23. Fences (2016)
  24. Richard Jewell (2019)
  25. Wind River (2017)

If I had just taken my ballot from my "100 Favoriteish Movies" post last year, it would've looked like this:

1. About Time
2. Room
3. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
4. The Book of Henry
5. Interstellar
6. Silver Linings Playbook
7. The Hunger Games
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
9. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
10. Jojo Rabbit
11. Creed
12. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
13. One Cut of the Dead
14. Avengers: Endgame
15. A Star Is Born
16. No Escape
17. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
18. Victoria
19. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
20. The Book Thief
21. The Dark Knight Rises
22. Happy Death Day
23. The Avengers
24. 10 Cloverfield Lane
25. Ford v Ferrari
26. Richard Jewell
27. Marriage Story
28. Avengers: Infinity War
29. Skyfall
30. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
31. Avengers: Age of Ultron
32. Murder on the Orient Express
33. The Death Cure
34. Loving Vincent

And here is my quick-and-dirty personal reordering of the Top 100:

97. Room
24: Silver Linings Playbook
33: Interstellar
44: Three Billboards Outside, Ebbing, Missouri
89. Jojo Rabbit
79. Avengers: Endgame
28: The Avengers
94. Captain America: Civil War
23: Inception
57: The Hunt
68. Edge of Tomorrow
82. The Martian
86. 1917
88. The Cabin in the Woods
69. Prisoners
26: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
59: Inside Out
39: Guardians of the Galaxy
5. La La Land
54: Under the Skin
7. Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood
18: Shoplifters
99. World of Tomorrow
1. Parasite
70. Easy A
56: What We Do In the Shadows
100. The Raid
75. The Raid 2
85. Deadpool
27: Django Unchained
20: The Hateful Eight
73. Hell or High Water
22: Inside Llewyn Davis
4. Whiplash
17: Drive
48: John Wick
41: Melancholia
87. The Artist
65. Gone Girl
40: True Grit
61: The Favourite
80. The Handmaiden
55: Nightcrawler
36: Sicario
90. A Separation
83. Toy Story 3
77. Spring Breakers
76. Shutter Island
74. Knives Out
11: The Wolf of Wall Street
46: Logan
34: Gravity
3. The Grand Budapest Hotel
6. The Social Network
2. Mad Max: Fury Road
42: Dredd
63. Spotlight
67. Take Shelter
78. The King's Speech
93. It Follows
12: Arrival
13: The Master
37: Moonrise Kingdom
66. Before Midnight
8. Blade Runner 2049
9: Her
53: The Revenant
10: The Tree of Life
64. Manchester by the Sea
49: Ex Machina
50: Black Swan
21: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
19: Get Out
16: It's Such a Beautiful Day
15: Phantom Thread
14: The Florida Project
58: Zero Dark Thirty
38: Uncut Gems
52: The Shape of Water
62: Moonlight
60: Joker
72. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
47: The Act of Killing
92. Anomalisa
91. The Witch
95. The Man from Nowhere
71. Ida
43: Silence
32: Boyhood
45: Midnight in Paris
35: Burning
25: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
98. The Descendants
84. Certified Copy
51: Holy Motors
30: Incendies
29: The Lighthouse
81. The Turin Horse
31: I Heard You Paint Houses
96. Hereditary

Parasite is terrific but I'd have to see it again to think about it for my top 25.

Of the 90 from the countdown I've seen, I'd call Fury Road the worst.

Thank you very much Speling and Yoda, it's been fun!

I forgot the opening line.
1st or 2nd, it didn't matter to me, because I was hoping for Whiplash or The Grand Budapest to grab the honor of top spot. Anyway, two great movies all the same :

2. Mad Max: Fury Road - This was a special one, and I'll have to watch it again one day soon. I've been living Mad Max since the original came out here in Australia in 1979. I don't think the U.S. noticed at all, but then came Mad Max 2 : The Road Warrior and the U.S. (I think it was just called the The Road Warrior there) did. Of course, much to our surprise the U.S. version was dubbed for fear that Americans wouldn't be able to understand what was going on with the Australian accents. I'm sure current versions aren't the dubbed ones, but I'd love to hear one of the latter. Mad Max : Beyond Thunderdome was big business by this stage. For the franchise to come back was no surprise, but what was a huge surprise was that the rebooted property would become one of the films of the decade, and would far surpass all of the originals. I fully expected it to be just another action film. Before I knew it Fury Road had won 6 Oscars, and been nominated for Best Picture. I really hadn't expected that. Enjoyed watching it very much, and I'm very glad the Mad Max legacy lives on after all these years. It didn't make my list, but I like it.

1. Parasite - Parasite, the movie of the decade as voted by MoFo, made my list at #13. Also voted for it during the Foreign Language countdown, and it's rare for me to vote for the same film in two different countdowns, but I have to make exceptions at times for films like this. This was another Oscar shock - not that it was nominated, but because it won Best Picture, and I'd never seen a foreign film do that. I immediately went to see it - it was meant to be with a friend but she stood me up, which had me in a foul mood watching it. It wasn't until that second viewing that all of the funny stuff hit me, along with the much darker serious stuff. I'm going to be watching this film many times more in the coming years. I know Bong Joon-ho had made many great films, along with Memories of Murder, which made a big splash in the West, and that he directed the likes of Snowpiercer, which increased his visibility, but I still rank Parasite as his big breakout - the film that made him known to everybody. When it won Best Picture, Donald Trump said "Lets bring back Gone With the Wind", which is fine - but just think of what we'd be missing.


Seen - 92/100

Made the countdown - 17/25 + 2 near misses

My List :

1. Hereditary (2018) - #96
2. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - #3
3. Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) - #21
4. Joker (2019) - #60
5. Whiplash (2014) - #4
6. Phantom Thread (2017) - #15
7. The Florida Project (2017) - #14
8. Manchester by the Sea (2016) - #64

9. Amour (2012) - #137
10. The Master (2012) - #13
11. Under the Skin (2014) - #54
12. Ida (2013) - #71
13. Parasite (2019) - #1

14. Berberian Sound Studio (2012) - #264
15. It Follows (2015) - #93
16. Melancholia (2011) - #41
17. The Social Network (2010) - #6

18. We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) - #306
19. I, Daniel Blake (2016) - #121
20. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) #25
21. Get Out (2017) - #19

22. A Ghost Story (2017) - #119
23. Paterson (2016) - #349
24. Toni Erdmann (2016) - #759
25. Climax (2018) - #155
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Inside Moves (1980)

I forgot the opening line.
@cricket The Way Way Back was one of my first cuts but I really love that movie. An awesome cast including Sam Rockwell, Toni Collette, Allison Janney, and Steve Carrell, and directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash (of TV's Community fame). Just as an aside: maybe it's a bit of dyslexia on my part but every time I see Nat Faxon's name, I see it as Fat Nixon.
I'd like to add my voice to that of those who love The Way Way Back, another great film I overlooked, and one of the best of the decade. It's a film where a quick look at it doesn't do it justice - you have to watch all of The Way Way Back to get just why it's such a tremendous film, and a coming of age story that elevates the genre instead of wallowing in the morass that most of these films do. It's a
film for me.

I've tried watching Mad Max: Fury Road twice, but I just couldn't get through it. It's so fast-paced that I found it almost dizzying.

I watched Parasite (I think for the Foreign Language Countdown), and I liked it. It's a good movie, but I didn't consider it for my list. But I'm glad to see that it took the top spot over Fury Road.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You ready? You look ready.
I’m realizing now that I left an amazing film off my list: The Drop

“And you've been awfully fresh since you got that dog you mistake for a kid.”

I’m realizing now that I left an amazing film off my list: The Drop

“And you've been awfully fresh since you got that dog you mistake for a kid.”

Ah, yes,
WARNING: spoilers below
psychotic Rocky.