Oscar Picks

Terrifier 2


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The clown was great in this movie, the rest of the movie not so much.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Still not seen the first!
Omfg. I love it so hard I put it quite high on my list.

I accept that I am probably that movie's only stan.


Look forward to your face after watching it.

The clown was great in this movie, the rest of the movie not so much.
I agree he's a FANTASTIC clown, but where I differ is that I think the whole movie is quite perfect in the 80's throwback department. It achieved what it was going for, and much better than other attempts I've seen at trying to recapture that particular kind of nasty film.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Omfg. I love it so hard I put it quite high on my list.

I accept that I am probably that movie's only stan.


Look forward to your face after watching it.

I'll maybe wait until I have a free house for that one

I'll maybe wait until I have a free house for that one
Yeah, do that. I know I've told this anecdote before, but I can't help myself right now: Terrifier is the only movie during which a friend of mine fled my place upset shouting 'WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" as he "felt unsafe" in my apartment with a that film on.


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Yeah, do that. I know I've told this anecdote before, but I can't help myself right now: Terrifier is the only movie during which a friend of mine fled my place upset shouting 'WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" as he "felt unsafe" in my apartment with a that film on.


Sounds promising!!

First is on Netflix. Thoughts? I don't mind some schlocky horror, especially if it's kinda deliberately absurd. Good example of the genre? Fun/funny/clever rather than just gross-out-for-its-own-sake?

First is on Netflix. Thoughts? I don't mind some schlocky horror, especially if it's kinda deliberately absurd. Good example of the genre? Fun/funny/clever rather than just gross-out-for-its-own-sake?

Of course, I think it's great. It's made to look like a gritty 80s schlocky horror but it is very grizzly. And I was right when I was screaming about Art the Clown on his way to becoming a horror icon. Some horror experts are now saying the same thing.

So if you watch be prepared for some nasty gore. Yet it's fun. And that's probably why I've gotten flak elsewhere online for being a fan of Terrifier and Art the Clown. I got called a "homicidal maniac" and "oh my god what's wrong with you?"

Amd then there was my friend who ran from my apartment mid-movie saying he didn't feel safe. Granted, he was plastered...

Thanks. I might start it and see. It's a really fine line, I can really enjoy that kind of silly gore, but there's a subgenre of what I call "despair porn" that's subtly different in execution (no pun intended) that feels wildly different.

Thought the first one was pretty good. You might like it, Chris. I thought it was a little funny at times.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Thanks. I might start it and see. It's a really fine line, I can really enjoy that kind of silly gore, but there's a subgenre of what I call "despair porn" that's subtly different in execution (no pun intended) that feels wildly different.

I'd call it vicious fun. It's definitely an 80s throwback, except nowadays we can see the gore whereas more often than not in the 80s they had to cutaway from it.

I really hope you like it!

What movies would you call despair porn? Like Martyrs?

That's a good example, maybe some of the Saw films, maybe Human Centipede. Hereditary for sure.

Then I understand what you mean. Terrifier isn't like that. It is mean, though, even if it is fun. Definitely the most brutal clown on film, in my opinion.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I adore Terrifier and this sequel looks like it’s going to be just as good. Also I love Art wearing the glasses in the new trailer
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~