Oscar Picks



It's a musical starring Adam Driver & Marion Cotillard, direceted by Leos Carax and written by the Sparks Brothers. The U.S. release date is August 6.

I somehow can’t imagine Adam Driver in a musical.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Neither, not quite. But you never know.
I hate musicals with a passion, but huge fan of Adam. He’s very versatile so I imagine he will be very good in his rôle. Hey, he survived Girls.

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I just finished watching this on Prime. Adam Driver is fantastic and I really liked the songs. The direction is really interesting and distinctive. for me, this is the 4th best film of the year.
Anyone else seen it yet?

The trick is not minding
I just finished watching this on Prime. Adam Driver is fantastic and I really liked the songs. The direction is really interesting and distinctive. for me, this is the 4th best film of the year.
Anyone else seen it yet?
Oh snap! I forgot about this. I was hoping to catch it in theaters but it came and went pretty fast without appearing anywhere near me.
I saw it was showing longer in France though. Wish I could just teleport there and see it.
Oh well. I’ll be catching this soon enough

I somehow can’t imagine Adam Driver in a musical.
I guess you missed when Adam sang "Being Alive" in Marriage Story. He did a great job.

I guess you missed when Adam sang "Being Alive" in Marriage Story. He did a great job.
Can’t recall him singing this, but I believe he was great.

In any event, will watch this movie as it has great reviews.