Name the Director


Don’t know anyone here
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Sorry, the second image never loaded and I’m having trouble figuring it out still. I’m sorry about that.

I think you already figured out how to upload the pictures using the "Manage Attachments" button, but you just haven't figured out how to paste them into your post.

After you upload the pictures, the bottom of the pop-up box will show the list of "Current Attachments". For each file, (one at a time), just click the mouse where you want the picture to appear, and click the "Insert" button next to that filename. You'll see the "attachfull" tag appear in your post where the picture will appear.

For example:

Image #1:

Image #2:
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

OK, I've got Gregory Peck in the top shot, Dana Andrews (?) in the middle shot and Maureen O'Hara in the bottom shot...don't know who any of the other people are or the films.
Wait a minute, a second glance at the top shot reveals that might be Anne Baxter with Peck?

Well-known British director. None of these are recent movies. For me, the 1st photo would give it away.