Whats Your Faviourite Horror Movie?


My favs are Exorcist, Evil Dead trilogy, Psycho, Them(the giant ants), Pearl Harb...oops, no that was just horrible
I aim to misbehave...

ya, i liked The Exorcist too

when i first saw Psycho, i was scared to take a shower( i was younger also)
The Birds had me laughing like crazy

also when i was little, there were times when i got scared in the bathtub cuz i thought a shark would come up from the bottom and eat me!! i was also scared to walk over manhole covers(i thought a giant spider would come out of them and get me!!! lolol

exorcist is one of my favorite..it really makes me scream!!!!..

Yeah, agree with those who mentioned A Nightmare On Elm Street. As a horror film, it's innovative and genuinely nightmerish stuff. Wes Craven proved he's a warped yet creative man by introducing the concept that a demonic serial killer can enter and control your own dreams. I'll never forget the first time I saw that movie. I almost cried falling asleep. ):

An honourably nod goes to the vicious Aussie outback horror known as Wolf Creek. It's an almost masterful build up to some of the most unbearable horror sequences i've ever seen. John Jarrett proved himself the impossible task of being scary and funny at the same time! Top horror that was.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I found both TCM and Hellraiser to be overrated, based in the horror genre realm.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Lost in never never land
I would say that Repulsion (Roman Polanski) has to be one of the scarriest and best horror films that I have seen. A lot of the ones that are coming out currently, like the Ring, I find laughable. Actually, the only semi-recent movie that I found scary would be Idenity, which is techinically more of a thriller then a horror film.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

If I could pick only one I suppose it would be The Evil Dead. The stuff they did in that film with no money was really spectacular.

On a newer note I highly recommend Bubba Hotep This is not only a horror film it is also A riot!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

The Exorcist...This isn't my favorite but this gave me a hell of month just to overcome it!!!!...

The Grudge, The Eye, Omen, and The Exorcist are my best horror movies...

The Exorcist
MY Work!

I'm going to have to check that one out martyrofevil.

Texas Chainsaw Massacrew (1974), Hellraiser (1987), Dawn of the Dead (1978) Halloween (both the original and the Rob Zombie version)

I am burdened with glorious purpose
It: Scared the bejeezes out of me!
My 12 year old son is watching it right now. This weekend, he's watched it like three times now! He says it doesn't scare him. I don't believe him.

My favorite Horror film is Shaun of the Dead.

he is one tough kid if it doesnt freak him out! After i watched it first clowns were not my favorite cup of tea!!!
Not really. I saw the movie when i was 11 first and i thought it was stupid. I read the novel later one (one helluva long ****ing book!) and it scared me shitless a few times. The movie was stupid, but the book was actually scary.

Scary movies are what got me into movies. I love horror films when they're done correctly, unlike most horror movies today. My top favorites are Psycho (1960), The Shining, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), and Halloween (1978).

Others that I love are The Exorcist, A Nightmare on Elmstreet, and the first three Friday The 13ths.