What is a good movie related online business?


It's always been my dream to open an online business. Since movies is my number one passion, it only makes sense for me to start my business with something to do with movies. What can I sell that is my own product? I can easily be an affiliate for a big company and promote thier products but I would rather think of an idea for something that would be my own product. Does anyone have any ideas for something?

I think it would be good to capitalize on emerging markets and export some existing products there ie create a Netflix for China.

Movie lists for categories and actors so people can discover new movies easily.

It'll be really hard to get your foot in the door with this one, I imagine. When it comes to movies, just about anything you can imagine there's a site for. If you see an idea that you can do better, perhaps that should be a consideration. If you love writing, you could try a "movie review" blog, even though there's lots out there. I like sites like Jinni, though I don't believe there's many of them around? Perhaps an approach in that sense.