searching an british old crime Movie , a female Murder


hi, i have been looking for a criminal movie which I have seen in the eigthies on german television. In my opinion the movie was made in the fifties or sixties.
Unfortunately, I only remember the closing sceen as follows:
In an old villa situated above the sea ( below the house you can see cliffs in the water) a criminal investigater has just found giulty a woman who has conducted a crime, possibly a homicide. Both are standing in a room inside the house. In the room you can see a window with inside shutters. The woman has admitted her crime, and she asked the police officer to waite a moment outside the room and let her put together a few clothes to take to the prison. He is waiting outside the room.
Sometime later when the woman does not come out of the room the investigater opens the locked door and runs into the room which is empty. The woman has jumped out of the window into the sea. You can see the window shutters moving forth and back. The police officer is looking out of the window at the storming sea. Thereafter other policemen are coming into the room shocked by her decision.
Who can help me finding the name of the movie?

Thank you with best wishes from Germany

Well, I'm doing a bit of searching to see what I can turn up.

Most of the reviews I'm reading of British thrillers avoid being too specific about how a story ends -- they don't want to spoil it for others. Unfortunately for us, it's 'the ending' that is the main clue that should ultimately identify your film