Mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Absolutely horrifying.

The shooter live-streamed the whole thing. 49 reported dead so far with 20 or so injured. Disgusting state of events and the toxic reaction from a select few online is sickening.

An 80+ page manifesto is online "The Great Replacement".

Why do people like this exist?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Senator Fraser Anning of Queensland has made some controversial statement relating to the shooting

One Indian Muslim killed too . The entire Bangladesh cricket team ( Bangladesh was scheduled to play a cricket game with new Zealand cricket team in Christchurch ) was almost into the mosque when the shooting began but they escaped unhurt.

The shooter live-streamed the whole thing.
More and more, the need to be seen (even if infamous) really seems like the motive behind a lot of these, and this seems like a clear nod to that.

I'm definitely at least partially persuaded that part of the "solution" (not that there's a clear solution, exactly) is getting everyone to collectively refuse to glamorize it with attention when it does happen. That policy of not using the name on the news seems like a good first step.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, the fact that the shooter was an Australian meant his identity got a considerable amount of coverage on the local news.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Just saw the entire video. Absolutely mortifying. This wacko was playing Remove Kebab at approximately 1:11. I was actually kinda laughing in a kind-of-screwed up way when I started hearing it. I was like "WOW, are you kidding me dude?" This timeline is nuts, craziest stuff I've seen in years.

And judging by his social media, he just seemed like an edgy meme-lord; a typical 4chan /pol/ poster.
However, this guy wasn't planning on just larping with the Deus Vult stuff.

I was actually browsing 8chan around the time he made his warning, and I got to see it unfold.
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Horrendous. I stayed in Christchurch for a while when travelling and it's one of the most humble, peaceful, loveliest little cities I've been to. I still have friends there. They are shattered by this. Just heartbroken.

What makes it worse is that it was somebody from overseas seemingly speaking on their behalf. The NZ prime minister was very accurate in her speech. "They are not us".

And that statement by that vile excuse for a politician? Jaw dropping. These monsters are becoming empowered all over the world. It's tragic to watch it unfold. Goodness knows what state the world will be in when my children are adults.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
More and more, the need to be seen (even if infamous) really seems like the motive behind a lot of these, and this seems like a clear nod to that.

I'm definitely at least partially persuaded that part of the "solution" (not that there's a clear solution, exactly) is getting everyone to collectively refuse to glamorize it with attention when it does happen. That policy of not using the name on the news seems like a good first step.
Yea this has been a good suggestion for a while, to name shooters only as "the shooter" but how would you stop the spread of info on social media/forums about the guy. Bit of a no win scenario.

Yeah, it can't be done entirely. But I think it might help a bit. These are obviously deep, deep societal problems, if people are literally mass-murdering just to feel important and remembered, so addressing them is going to involve changing a lot of society-wide habits and issues bit by bit.

Yea this has been a good suggestion for a while, to name shooters only as "the shooter" but how would you stop the spread of info on social media/forums about the guy. Bit of a no win scenario.
Just name every shooter as "Sam Hyde", and post this photo.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Horrendous. I stayed in Christchurch for a while when travelling and it's one of the most humble, peaceful, loveliest little cities I've been to. I still have friends there. They are shattered by this. Just heartbroken.

What makes it worse is that it was somebody from overseas seemingly speaking on their behalf. The NZ prime minister was very accurate in her speech. "They are not us".

And that statement by that vile excuse for a politician? Jaw dropping. These monsters are becoming empowered all over the world. It's tragic to watch it unfold. Goodness knows what state the world will be in when my children are adults.
What specifically do you disagree with in the senator's statement?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Just looked up that politician and saw this on the wiki short bio on google.

"William Fraser Anning is an Australian dick head who has been a Senator for Queensland since 10 November 2017. He was elected to the Senate after a special recount was triggered by the removal of One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts, who was found ineligible to be chosen as a senator due to his citizenship status."
- Wikipedia

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Just saw the entire video. Absolutely mortifying. This wacko was playing Remove Kebab at approximately 1:11. I was actually kinda laughing in a kind-of-screwed up way when I started hearing it. I was like "WOW, are you kidding me dude?" This timeline is nuts, craziest stuff I've seen in years.

And judging by his social media, he just seemed like an edgy meme-lord; a typical 4chan /pol/ poster.
However, this guy wasn't planning on just larping with the Deus Vult stuff.

I was actually browsing 8chan around the time he made his warning, and I got to see it unfold.

I clicked on one of the links, and saw people who knew him and the event, before and after, and despite seeing all that carnage, you have all those racists saying how great it was... I guess I expect some to think "It would be so cool if.." but then feel some remorse, but not joy.

What specifically do you disagree with in the senator's statement?
The idea that the blood of a mass shooting in response to immigration policy you don't like is on that policy, as opposed to the murderer.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Are you taking the piss?
Just asking a question? I Don't agree with his parts of his statement, yes parts.

Anytime any anti Islam statement is made it is generally dismissed or labelled without actually being able to argue specifics.

Islam is the religion of stupidity and death, I've said that before. That doesn't mean I condone the shooting. The shooting is a disgrace and the shooter a wacko coward.

Welcome to the human race...
Just asking a question? I Don't agree with his parts of his statement, yes parts.

Anytime any anti Islam statement is made it is generally dismissed or labelled without actually being able to argue specifics.

Islam is the religion of stupidity and death, I've said that before. That doesn't mean I condone the shooting. The shooting is a disgrace and the shooter a wacko coward.
Then you should be able to specify exactly which parts you disagree with because so far it looks like you're just paraphrasing the same shooting-was-bad-but-Islam-is-still-worse gist of the letter.

Okay, I'm gonna have to say it, since I'm afraid nobody else will. And I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for it, but... this is what happens when you force multiculturalism upon a nation’s people. This is what happens you let keep borders wide open. This is what happens when you try to impose Islam on the west. This is what happens.

I’m very certain the cultural left and Anderson Cooper on CNN will probably say this all comes down to nothing but “Islamophobia” (which, it technically is - I mean, I don't think anyone in that Mosque was planning on raping kids in Rotterdam or decapitating women). They'll just find a way to spin this into sympathy for open more borders, and make Europe more “multicultural”; “those POOR innocent Muslims are being oppressed by bigotry! The European whites are uh-so afraid of them just because they’re brown and have a religion that isn’t christianity or paganism! They're innocent, and nothing terrible is happening!”

In Europe, societies are being destroyed, some neighborhoods are being turned into trash dumps, and a lot of these places might not ever be the same. I don't think that's a good thing, or a healthy thing - to take people who build statues, create wealth, invent science, and replace them with people who murder and rape in the name Allah. I'm sorry. I just don't think that's good. I know it's insensitive. But it's too late now to tiptoe around it, or use a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to explain it differently. This is just the way it is: Europe is being invaded. We're putting Western Civilization on the altar as a sacrifice to white guilt because we're worried some frizzy-haired Afro transsexual will wag his finger at us.

The Muslims that have been invading Europe are not innocent, exceptional individuals. There are a good portion of exceptions, but the majority of them have been doing the same crap to the people that let them into their countries for years now. I’ve been waiting for a mass shooting in Sweden (well, aside from the ones done by Jihadists) for I don’t know how long now, because someone in that god forsaken shell-of-a-once-great-country is going to snap eventually. This dude was probably thinking "They rape our women and kill us, so we should sit back and do nothing? How can we kick them out? Killing is not a good solution, but what other solution is there?"

Also, this doesn’t exempt him from this. There’s no justifying this behavior. However, we can’t let this be an example for the wrong reasons. People like this will continue to do these things in retaliation. More innocent Muslims and foreigners will be murdered. Stuff like this is going to continue unless we act right freaking now. I hope this is a wakeup call for the EU, multiculturalists, and everyone on the left. But, it probably won’t (much like all the terror brought upon by Islam extremists went unnoticed, so much so that you could get sent to jail for even reporting it).

And no way this is getting memoryholed. So, congrats a-hole, not only did you fail to beat a group of people at their own game (which is stupid, because you became nothing but an exponent of their violent pathology), but you also murdered a bunch of innocent people and gave the liberal globalists the best thing they could ask for.

Anyway, can't wait for the hot takes on how Trump is somehow responsible for all of this.