Top 100 favourite films

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Of the last ten movies on your list, Field of Dreams is my favorite. I usually like movies about baseball, and this is definitely one of the best.

I also like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Up in the Air, and Mr. Holland's Opus. None of them would make my favorites list, but they're all good movies.

How many people are following this?
I don't know how many other people are following this, but I'm following it.

Glad to see Burn After Reading, it is actually one of my favourite Coen films. Labyrinth is amazing too. Haven't watched that since i was eleven or something, my brother in law had three goals with me get me into Bowie and Marly and get me into Wrestling, he achieved one after showing me his favourite moviie as a kid Labyrinth.

Thanks Camo and gbgoodies. Yes you do Camo. I'm not actually a big bowie fan but I do like labyrinth and the way bowie plays the Goblin King is amazing.

59. The shawshank redemption

One of my all time favorites. Shawshank Redemption is a very moving story about hope and the power of friendship. The cast is first rate with everyone giving a great performance. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman carry the movie, but Bob Gunton and Clancy Brown are perfect as the Warden Norton and prison guard captain Hadley respectively. And James Whitmore's portrail of an elderly inmate Brooks is moving. The screenplay gives almost every actor at least one or more memorable lines through out the film. As well as a very surprising "twist" near the end that almost knocked me out of my chair.

58. Ghostbusters

Very rarely can you pull off a successful blend of two separate movie genres,but the makers of Ghostbusters were overwhelmingly so.On the one hand,you have the comedic charm of Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd,and on the other,a genuine ghostly spookiness that makes you want to hide under a blanket.I recently bought a copy and watched it for the first time in several years,and it's still just as fresh as it was in it's initial release in 1984.It has a great supporting cast for Murray and Aykroyd,including the always great Sigourney Weaver,Rick Moranis,Ernie Hudson,and Harold Ramis,who is just as talented behind the camera as he is in front of it.

57. Lethal weapon

Lethal Weapon is the first in a series of films that were all good. Richard Donner made an action packed buddy picture that everyone can enjoy. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover were both good in the lead roles and the action sequences are top notch. Kudos to Gary Busey for making a great bad guy.

56. Mortal kombat

[IMG] GxAQGi0iHyUtLTUtLy0tLS0tLTIvKy0tLi0tLS0tKy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLy0tLy0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIARMAtwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUDBgECB//EAEIQAAEDAgMECAIHBQgDAQAAAAEAAhEDIQQSMQUGQVETImFxgZGhsTJCBxQjcsHR8DNSYoLhFSQ0c5KisvFTwtJD/8QAGQEBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBAwQF/8QALBEAAgIBAwIEBQUBAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSITEEQSJRcZETYYGxwTJSodHhQv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A8NREQBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBERAEWShSLiGjUkAd5XWENo6ostWkWhpI+ ISO6SPwWNoQU0cIrPDbFrPbmawxwkgT3AqDUplpIIIIsRyWJp8FyxTik5JpMxIpeEwL6s5G5o1uJ8kxeAqUvjYWzpy80tcGfCnp1 U68+xERSMNhnVHBrRJMwO4Spf9h1//E5HJLkqGHJNXGLf0KxFnxeGdTdleIMTHeuKFAvmBoC49wuVtkaWnprcwouYUvC7PfUEsbmjW4ssboRhKTqKshou9RkEg8Lc10Wkh 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The film is basically a combination of a classic Hong Kong-styled martial arts actioner and a fantasy that leans slightly to the horror side of that genre. To the film's benefit, it's also not something that either director Paul W.S. Anderson or writer Kevin Droney take too seriously--the film is ultimately an adaptation of a popular video game, after all. There is a tongue-in-cheek, slightly campy sense of humor and playful cheesiness throughout the film, the humor being primarily fueled from two characters, Johnny Cage (Linden Ashby) and Lord Rayden (Christopher Lambert). True, Lambert has a kind of almost smarmy campiness to anything he says or does, in any film, but for me, that's part of his attractiveness--it's a large part of what sold me on the Highlander films.

The fantasy aspect was something I didn't expect before watching the film. It was a very pleasant surprise. Being a huge horror fan, I was especially taken with the set design. The fantasy characters, such as Goro, and the fantasy traits of other characters, were well done and even subtle at times

55. Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Romantic comedies aren't usually my kind of thing but I thought this film was great. The cast is strong (Gosling, Stone, Carell) which is the main reason I chose to watch this film. It is quite a long film but the plot is really clever. There is plenty of different things going on in the film and the way it all gets linked together is brilliant and certainly something I did't see coming.

There are some genuine laugh out loud moments and the film is straight to the point. The cast is great and all work together well, the plot is fresh and clever and it really was one of the best romantic comedies I have seen

54. Gremlins

Gremlins is one of the best family films I have seen in a long time. It is an entertaining, witty and mischievous comedy. It is very different to most films.

A teenage boy receives a pet Mogwai as a Christmas present form his father and breaks the 3 main rules which are never put it under bright lights (especially sunlight), never put it near water and never ever feed it after midnight. When these are broken they turn into the mischievous gremlins.

Even though nobody famous stars or directs this excellent film its still worth a watch.

Overall it is a bizarrely great film.

53. *batteries not included

Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn stole the show, as is expected. However, the film is a very fun and nostalgic trip, the remaining cast getting the job done well. While it could use some development, the ideas present and the general whim about the film allow it to stand amongst other contemporary classics.

Naturally, the film also sports great production values, with Spielberg, Kennedy, and Marshall at it once again.

52. Scream

Horror legend, Wes Craven, wanted to mix a traditional slasher film, with a who done it mystery, while at the same time parading both. The result is Scream, which turned into a much bigger film and franchise than he expected. He wanted to do this sort of under the radar, with a cast of virtual unknowns, but due to its uniqueness, the movie quickly gained popularity and today is considered one of the best horror movies of all time. The cast are all household names now and the ending of this film is legendary. Twists, turns, paranoia, accusations, one liners, and good looking people is what Scream is all about. The story is a great one, the cast is solid, and when it comes to writer/directors, you can't get much better than Wes Craven

51. Beetlejuice

With ghosts and the dead, one would normally anticipate a horror movie loaded with screams and gory figures. But in Beetlejuice, we see a new dimension humour being experimented with.

Taking into the account that the movie was made in 1988 with limited special effects, Beetlejuice could be simply labelled as "creativity at its best".

Tim Burton is a pure visionary and with this movie you cannot help but appreciate the amount of creativity he has and his ability to translate it to screen.

Acting is top-rate from all fronts. One can't help but admire promising young Winona Ryder - a flower

50. Meet the Feebles

Let me just say that this film is one of the most bizzare shocking and funny films I've ever seen. Where else can you see puppets doing cocane, having sex and singing about sodomy. The story is about a cast of bizzare puppets who are about to get a chance to perform live. There's the drug addicted veitnam veteran frog , a rabbit with vd a hippo whose husband is cheating on him with a siamese cat , a rat who makes porn flicks with cows and cockroaches, and then theres robbert who's trying to break into show biz. It all comes down to a hippo going on a rampage with a machine gun. Sure this movie looks like a kids movie but trust me this film will have anything to shock you. So sit back and enjoy peter jackson before he was working with hobbits and elves.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I saw the The Shawshank Redemption for one of the Hall of Fames here on MoFo, and I liked it a lot. It's not the kind of movie that I would rewatch, but it's a great movie.

Ghostbusters, Lethal Weapon, Gremlins, *batteries not included and Beetlejuice are all great movies that I can rewatch over and over again.

I've never seen Crazy, Stupid, Love, but it sounds like a movie I would probably like, so I added it to my watchlist.

Nobody likes 59 to 50?
Sorry I was late.

I saw the The Shawshank Redemption for one of the Hall of Fames here on MoFo, and I liked it a lot. It's not the kind of movie that I would rewatch, but it's a great movie.

Ghostbusters, Lethal Weapon, Gremlins, *batteries not included and Beetlejuice are all great movies that I can rewatch over and over again.

I've never seen Crazy, Stupid, Love, but it sounds like a movie I would probably like, so I added it to my watchlist.

Nobody likes 59 to 50?
Sorry I was late.

You should watch crazy, stupid, love. I think you'd like it going from your own top 100 list (yes I've been going through everyone's lists).

Gremlins and Ghostbusters are classic films

After this list is finished. I'm gna do something different with one of my lists. I'm going to list horror movies that I've seen but not my favourites in alphabetical order. 10 under each letter. So stay tuned for that