

All I am saying I doubt we get 50 million people dying. That would mean there was allot of people with bad immune systems and prior sicknesses. Worst case probably by I think 100,000 by the type this is over. I know thats still a sad bad thing. I just doubt we will see the kind of death toll The Spanish Flu had. I m being optimistic and nobody knows how many people will die here no matter there best guess.

Ohio got a stay at home order. Now how is that possible. People have to have food and go to the store. Or if doing liver or cancer treatments.

Ohio got a stay at home order. Now how is that possible. People have to have food and go to the store. Or if doing liver or cancer treatments.
Again, there are exceptions here for health care and food and other essentials. Even exercise is usually allowed, if done prudently.

I don't know why you read a headline or hear a rumor and immediately start saying things like this, when you could easily Google the basic facts and then react. Please take a moment to look into it before posting this stuff, as I previously requested.

All I am saying I doubt we get 50 million people dying. That would mean there was allot of people with bad immune systems and prior sicknesses.
No, it would not necessarily mean that, since this is a novel virus nobody has an immunity to, and since the primary fear is about people not getting access to healthcare if too many people are infected simultaneously.

You can't just sort of theorycraft around this, people. Please stop speculating wildly, especially if you're not taking even a few minutes to learn the basics about what we're up against. I realize we're all stressed, but externalizing that stress doesn't help, and can in fact hurt.

That's sad? Sounds blissful to me!
Nothing I like better than "sleeping in."
I hear you, but I like to be busy. Archbishop of CT has clamped down severely on any “social gathering” so this has eliminated a lot of my activities. Thank goodness I can still take my long daily walk. I would go bonkers otherwise.

This Corona thing will decide our future Trump reelection or his loss.
Doubt it. I expect Trump to have a 2nd term. Unfortunately.

They said,"Yes, but you're registered as an Independent - you can't vote in a Democrat primary! Only registered Democrats can vote in a Democrat primary."
Same thing happened to me last year. All psyched up to vote in the primary & was v. p****d to find out I’m not a registered Democrat. I had no idea.

Hubby and I went to the supermarket around 3PM today, and the first aisles we checked were for toilet paper and antibacterial wipes.
My girlfriend works at Walgreens & what is happening here is that hoarders who bought tons of toilet paper, etc. are now returning to the store asking for refunds since they have no work. Apparently now, Stop and Shop & Walgreens have a strict no refund rule. This sounds reasonable to me.

... eggs were one of the earlier bottlenecks in running out of "normal" day-to-day supplies.
Some dope at our food pantry (before it closed) left one of the fridge doors ajar & 6 dozen eggs had to be thrown out.

I have 2 days next month that are doctors' appointments and have to use the time I earned so far to go.
My internist & his PA are not seeing anyone. Annual physical postponed until November and I expect my dermatologist to call any day to cancel my annual visit.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

West Virginia Just Announced Stay At Home Order Unless Going TO Get Food Medicine and To Appointments. So Its an order to Limit your travel not really no one go anywhere. So same people will be working Walmart and Food Store Main chains. Cops Utility workers hospitals EMTs Fire people MAIL ups AND trash company and people that work to send people there checks be it social security or retirement.

I like this to be taken out of context.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

I guess it depends on what you mean. We're "behind" in the sense that they had it earlier and it's ramped up there earlier. Their response was very slow and bad, but has been very stringent since. Our early response was also slow and bad, and I'd say we're also not responding as forcefully, in part because I'm not sure we can.

That said, one of the reasons we can't is because we're more decentralized and naturally spread out, which is also sort of a good thing in some senses. So we can't necessarily use Italy as a model in either way. But honestly, any country finding a potential "peak" here would be very encouraging news, given the range of outcomes.

If nothing else, it would make a strong argument for a swift and stringent lockdown to bite the bullet as quickly as possible, I think.

And yet 41,000 plus are still living. Having it and surviving or having mild cases is good thing. I think the USA should be lucky death is only under a thousand deaths in this country after how badly it wasnt taken seriously by the president and other people.

Some evidence suggesting that something close to a total lock-down, while obviously a huge inconvenience, will actually work:

Both India and UK are doing it, too. I think it's a matter of time here, and the sooner we do it the sooner we can hit the peak and start getting things under control.

You can read about it here, and a number of other places, but I think the short version is that only essential business can stay open, with meaningful enforcement of same, and you may not be allowed to travel in public without a reason.

Picked up a test from a prison last night. 10 minutes later my wife texts me that 3 inmates and a guard from that same prison tested positive. I didn't touch anything.

Longest trip I've made in 11 days now is to the bins in the garden and back. By June I reckon I might have totally forgotten how to walk

I got a call about my test results this afternoon. They told me I am negative. This is definitely a relief as I still feel a little under the weather but I can handle that. I would go out to celebrate, but um....
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

So glad to hear that, Dionne. Stay in and keep it that way.

BTW, apparently Germany seeing similar results to Italy. Grain of salt, of course, but would be significant evidence that a two-week lock down might really avert the worst-case scenarios. Here's hoping. And if so, here's hoping we do that sooner rather than later. I'm behaving as if it were happening anyway, and a lot of others are as well.