The 12th Hall of Fame


Yah, this is what happens with me i use Malwarebytes too.
I have Malwarebytes, but only the free version that scans my computer but doesn't offer real time web protection. It does work well for cleaning out infected computers.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I haven't seen that one either, but when they give you a phone number to call, that's usually just a phony phishing scam for your money.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Romper Stomper

Another movie filled with a bunch of people better of dissapeared. In this case, though, I can't really be funny about this, cause it strikes a blow that lands far too close to home for me.

We've had problems back home with a nationalistic party that's been growing in numbers over the last couple of years. We even had an incident about five years ago with a high level party member (we're talking a couple of steps down from the party foreman) roaming the streets with a bunch of likeminded people, brandishing pipes and yelling about immigrants getting out of "their" country.

As such, the introductory scene where Russell Crowe and his crownies beat up a couple of asian teenagers was a bit much for me. The following brawls didn't bother me as much, but that first one just made me feel so depressed and horrified because these neo-nazi ****wits still exist out there. But enough of this ****, didn't mean to drag in politics in this, setting it aside.

Crowe does do a deep dive into the character of Hondo. To see him go from joking and josteling with Davey to being all fury and spouting rasist slogans is a work of a milli-second. This is a sociopath of a truly dangerous level, surrounded by his boys and other likeminded people. Into this mix comes Gabrielle, a drug addled girl fleeing her incestious-minded father. All three of them; Crowe, Pollock (Davey) and McKenzie (Gabrielle) are doing a very good job here. Davey's the only one who seems to have any decency left, probably stemming from the fact that he has a connection outside the gang, something the other members of the gang seems to lack.

Whlie the performances are good and it undoubtedly is a very well made movie, this is another one I can't say I enjoyed watching. To see the very worst in people laid bare isn't really something I strive to watch.

Sorry MV, but this one was just unpleasant for me (which I guess is the point with the movie, so bravo film makers, you've succeeded).
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Sorry guys, this one didn't become very funny either to read or write. Didn't mean to bring politic into this, but it was what came to me when I watched it, so that's how I wrote it. Thinking about just pulling it down tbh.

Sorry guys, this one didn't become very funny either to read or write. Didn't mean to bring politic into this, but it was what came to me when I watched it, so that's how I wrote it. Thinking about just pulling it down tbh.
Don't pull it down, i said pretty much the exact same thing except i didnt't mention any personal politics but nothings wrong with that, that's just giving some of your own experience.

And it was @Miss Vicky nom by the way not Cosmic's.

Is there a way to not bring politics into a discussion about a film centered around skinheads?

I certainly wasn't expecting everyone to enjoy the film, but you did seem to at least appreciate what its strengths and what it was trying to do. There's nothing to apologize for, Clazor.

Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942)

Date Watched: 02/15/17
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: 12th Hall of Fame, jiraffejustin's nomination
Rewatch: Yes

I saw this movie once before, back in 2014, and I remember being impressed with it - the story was excellent, the performances were all strong, the music was good, the cinematography was great, and I appreciated the themes of love, duty, honor, and forgiveness - yet not actually loving it because I just wasn't that invested in the characters.

History repeated itself tonight. I'm still impressed with it for all the same reasons. I understand why it's considered such a great film, but - aside from Rick and possibly Sam - I was mostly indifferent to its characters, Ilsa and Laszlo especially. These characters just felt underdeveloped and, aside from Bergman's beauty, I failed to understand why men would risk so much for Ilsa.

Still this is a relatively minor complaint and my respect for the film remains. I just don't think it'll ever quite be a favorite.


Let the night air cool you off
Never Let Me Go

For all of the emotion there could have been, most of this film simply falls flat. We get a lot of closeups that start meaning less and less each time, especially considering that none of it is subtle. It's screaming look at this face, now over at this face, back to this face... isn't it sad? Well, I guess it could have been. At least a good majority of the film is visually very pretty. The whole "death is inevitable" stuff isn't as profound or powerful as it could have been. I really want to read the book to see if this was a poor adaptation (maybe I should just call it a flat adaptation) or if the source material isn't that grand. Maybe I am being a bit too harsh, but I disliked much more of this film than I liked, and I found myself wanting to do anything but what I was doing. Sorry, CR.

Maybe I am being a bit too harsh, but I disliked much more of this film than I liked, and I found myself wanting to do anything but what I was doing. Sorry, CR.
It's cool JJ. Thanks for giving it a shot and posting an honest opinion. People seem to really love the book, so yeah it might be a good read.

I have one more movie, Casablanca, to watch.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

U Turn

Poor, poor, pitiful Sean. . .

It's always a bad sign when someone is telling themselves that they're still lucky. Cue the cosmos to take an utterly and completely major dump on them.
And such is the sordid tale of Sean Penn's character, where lousy circumstance grows more dismal, more cruel and then adds insult to the injury with sadistic glee.
Following a Noir recipe that has been cranked up and then taken to volatile extremes with sex, intrigue, double-crossings that slingshot faster and faster as the third act spins into its darkest nether regions, Director Oliver Stone runs this movie till the tires come off and refuses to slow down.

I think my one and only complaint was the acid-induced directing that, while at times gave the pacing a jazzy tempo, it does cause a troubling hiccup at times.

Other than that the dark comedic current, slightly off characters and the unforgiving swirling spiral of sh!tty luck getting only sh!tter is one helluva ride.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Let the night air cool you off
I have, I think, three left not counting The Man from Nowhere, which I am going to wait to watch until we hear back from Royalewitcheese.

Hiroshima Mon Amour

I think I'd have to see this movie several times to know how I really feel about it. I first watched it for the 50's countdown and thought highly enough of it to at least put it on my list of contenders. This viewing was a small step down, although I still have very positive feelings about it. I'm very tired so this will be a little rambling.

I didn't feel the same power that I felt on my first watch. The scenes showing the nuclear effects upset me in that they made me wonder why such a horrible thing had to happen, but that's an inherently awful thing. I'm not so sure the movie should get any credit for causing this reaction. These are powerful scenes on their own, and they could be shown in many different formats. As far as the characters go, I had more difficulty connecting with them this time. They seemed unnatural to me, and I believe it's because of the unnatural and redundant dialogue. How many times did someone say Hiroshima? I don't think people talk like that. That being said, I thought they made a strong couple and they seemed to fit together. I don't know if I've seen an interracial couple on film like that before, and I thought that was pretty cool. I think it's a very unique and original movie, and I did feel some power in the backstories. How the movie looks and the way it's filmed are major strengths.

I've watched certain parts of this movie (Hiroshima Mon Amour in case someone posts before me) more than once now and i think i want to post a part 2 to my first post focusing on the dialogue/interactions which you guys seem to hate explaining why i don't at least. Not guaranteeing i'll do this coz i'm lazy and i've already watched everything but i got alot out of this film and would like to back PG up with his nom coz it should finish very high in my opinion.