Question about the plot to Aliens (1986)


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
These questions are asking why human beings do things.

Generally, groups like status quo. They do not like individuality or those that rock the boat. It risks civil unrest which leads to inefficiency in production/profit if your business-minded.

That is not unique to the Alien universe? That's basic common human psychology. Ever.

Why do high school cliques shun other kids? Why do bosses fire good staff if sometimes they buck the system for improvement? Why do politicians spend money to discredit opponents? Why use religion to justify hate against others?

People just do cruel and sometime calculated things to keep their world balanced to their favor.

Why risk it? Just let her happily walk into the pit. She wants to! Why should I deny her her God-given right to face her demons? Oh? She died? That's tragic! *continues deleting files and any record of her existence*

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah I guess, I just thought that discrediting her was enough, and that they did not need to kill her. However, if the plan was to kill her, Burke did have opportunities, such as when Ripley was asleep and Burke was sneaking around, so why didn't Burke try to kill her then?

The other half of that conspiracy is that Ripley's 57 year popsicle trip between movies, was just a big set-up.
As said with Alien, Ash and the company knew everything... so why would they suddenly decide to set up a colony there?
It's all too much of a coincidence to be "just chance".
Sticking Ripley in a pod for almost 60 years is their way of keeping her out of the way so they can do what they need to at LV-426.
I've never thought about it that way before but it makes total sense.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah I guess, I just thought that discrediting her was enough, and that they did not need to kill her. However, if the plan was to kill her, Burke did have opportunities, such as when Ripley was asleep and Burke was sneaking around, so why didn't Burke try to kill her then?
Because that would have been murder and would have changed the dynamic of the entire mission. Instead of just blindly walking into a trap (described earlier), they would instead be investigating a murder and most likely have to end the mission.

They didn't want to kill her. They wanted a sample. If she and everyone else just "happen" to die (in action, not suspiciously in their sleep), then oh well. Less to pay.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I really don't think such details were combed through when writing this. Most of these issues are just given human traits that more or less go without saying.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah I guess, I just thought that discrediting her was enough, and that they did not need to kill her. However, if the plan was to kill her, Burke did have opportunities, such as when Ripley was asleep and Burke was sneaking around, so why didn't Burke try to kill her then?

Ultimately the question should be the path of least resistance: Why NOT "let" her die?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I guess but it seems that it's too much trouble to bring her along, and they don't need her since she already gave them all the information about where to find the ship. Sure she 'might die', but she's going to be a trouble maker the whole way, so why bother to bring her, just in case she might?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
That's why they fed her the line of rescuing the survivors! If she's preoccupied believing that she has purpose again, why would she create trouble? As far as she's concerned she's there as subject matter expert to save people and deal with the aliens. They're betting that she'll jump at the opportunity knowing full well that she and the crew are most likely going to be killed. From there they have nothing to worry about.

Let her go, die and disappear from history. Or keep her local, risk her stirring crazy stories agitating the ranks, and have to deal with the possibly outcome of that. Union riots! Or whatever is relatable.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay. What crazy stories do they have to worry about form her though? Animals are captured and experimented on all the time, and nobody cares enough to actually sink a company. So what would the public care really, if an alien was captured to be studied?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Do you realize how easy conspiracy theories are to start? Or how desperate we are to believe in them? I mean as humans in general. That's not unique to Alien universe.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But why would the public care if they brought an alien back to study? Like this is not like a political assassination or something where the public would be in an uproar. It's just a capture of a new species, so why would they care to uproar over that?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The public wouldn't care. PART of the public MIGHT care though. But really, WHY RISK ANYTHING when an opportunity presents itself to wrap up ALL loose ends without getting your own hands dirty?

Again, these motives are not unique to this franchise. It's all throughout history. Powers that be do evil things. It's easier.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I can't stress this enough though. These last several questions are no longer about the movie or its plot. It's about human nature. I suggest reading more on history of war or similar topics.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah I alright it just seems that bringing her along is still a drag, even if they feed her lies as to why she is going, instead if just killing her on Earth and making the body disappear, if they really need her dead, and then just going without her.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah I alright it just seems that bringing her along is still a drag, even if they feed her lies as to why she is going, instead if just killing her on Earth and making the body disappear, if they really need her dead, and then just going without her.
Not just dead, but a potential host for the alien parasite. The more chances the better.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, why do they want a host though? Can't the bring an alien back and study it, without needing a host?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
If they just killed her, would her coworkers not ask where she went so suddenly considering that she had no family? Would that not have been the next question had that path been taken?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh okay, why do they want a host though? Can't the bring an alien back and study it, without needing a host?
Which do you think would be easier: Capture a pissed off, fully grown xenomorph (assuming you'd be able to separate ONE from the horde, that is), then try to keep it contained with acid blood; or let one of your incompetent crew accidentally get infected, place them in stasis freeze and ship him/her home via FedEx?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well here's the thing I don't get. You are saying that this is human nature, all throughout war and politics and history. But this situation isn't about war and politics.

It's about the capture of a species. Capturing species happens all the time in real life, and the people who do it, do not feel the need to create a conspiracy over it and then cover it up with trying to get people killed.

So it has nothing to do with war and politics. It's just the capture of a species and that's it. So why is the company treating this, like they are committing some sort of huge crime they have to cover up?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I can't help you buddy.
The characters are still dealing with government-level corporate mentalities, regardless of the mission itself. This is not the World Widlife Fund seeking to adopt a stray species on the brink of extinction. It is still all very much run by political motive and greed. You disassociate these two events to argue your feelings on the matter instead of recognizing historical contexts that show much of what has been offered to explain your questions would most probably lead to the same results had it played out for real.

I really don't know what else to offer.