Spider-man: Homecoming

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I highly recommend this film. For me, it tops Spider-man 2 (no, not The Amazing Spider-man)
Keaton is amazing, the character was well written and Keaton nails it
Holland is great, I predict him portraying Spider-man in more films than Jackman with Wolverine/Logan (and possibly RDJ/IM)
Marisa Tomei is always a win, maybe Aunt May shouldn't be hot, I'm not complaining. If Holland gets 15 years of Spider-man, you will have an Oscar winning actress in her late sixties playing Aunt May in his final film

The post credits scene is the hardest I've laughed in a while

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Boldly going.
Holland and Keaton were well-cast. The Vulture is a sympathetic villain, a working-class man with a family, while Parker is finally a teenager played by a teenager and the drama is refreshingly milder than Sam Raimi's version (having said that - I still prefer Sam Raimi's Spider-man). The humour is good. I really liked Stark's upgrades to Spidey's suit.
WARNING: "best scene" spoilers below
The heart-pounding, suspenseful scene with Vulture and Parker in the car is amazing.
And they FINALLY did away with the origin story - we all know how Spider-man got his powers and what happened to good ol' Ben. I'm looking forward to sequels.

Holland and Keaton were well-cast. The Vulture is a sympathetic villain, a working-class man with a family, while Parker is finally a teenager played by a teenager and the drama is refreshingly milder than Sam Raimi's version (having said that - I still prefer Sam Raimi's Spider-man). The humour is good. I really liked Stark's upgrades to Spidey's suit.
WARNING: "best scene" spoilers below
The heart-pounding, suspenseful scene with Vulture and Parker in the car is amazing.
And they FINALLY did away with the origin story - we all know how Spider-man got his powers and what happened to good ol' Ben. I'm looking forward to sequels.
Your spoiler was my favourite part

Homecoming finds a way to remix the “great power, great responsibility” theme by casting Tony Stark as the authority figure infuriated at Peter’s misuse of his expensive new Spidey-suit, which comes equipped with enough bells and whistles to take down an army. I never want to see a string of pearls fall on the floor of a dark alleyway again, and likewise, we all know Spider-Man’s origin off by heart.