Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Hail, Caesar - 2016

Love the Coen Brothers. Meant to watch this one a few years ago. It has a great cast. A good premise. Coen Brothers behind the camera. It was beautiful looking. It just didn't resonate with me like some of their other movies for some reason. Just hit a lull and never recovered. The characters were kinda of dull. I think the "bad guys" were sort of lame and not that interesting. Just not memorable like most Coen Brothers movie. I don't know just sort of a let down. Not horrible but not up to their general bar to me.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972)

In the first part of the series, our hero and the rest of the girls spend most of the movie in prison. In this second part the gals are on the loose after an escape. It's pretty good but definitely a step down in both action and style. The influence on Tarantino is still apparent. Looking forward to part 3.
It's really cool seeing other MoFo's go down these cult paths. The first one in the Female Prisoner Scorpion trilogy is easily the best, but they're all definitely worth watching. You'd probably also like Rica (1972), again there is a trilogy.

Have you seen Sympathy for Lady Vengeance?


First viewing. The movie's got heart and excellent performances by the entire cast.

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

From the official description: "Two dorky Nevada worm wranglers are kidnapped by a gang of beautiful women as part of a hairbrained scheme to steal plutonium from the Mafia." That's a little wrong as they are not trying to steal plutonium. They are after platinum. Why? Who knows/cares. A total micro budget, so bad it's good flick with an attractive group of actresses who cannot act. The guys can't act either, although the lead did remind me a little of Jimmy Stewart and he's got some crazy to him. In the movie trivia it says he really took a shotgun blast to the chest while wearing a BPV. Yeesh! When your budget ain't all there ya gotta improvise. It tries to be funny and succeeds occasionally. There isn't anything in here that you hope to see with a movie like this yet it's strangely watchable. If I had made this with my drunk buddies in the midst of a weekend black out I would have been very happy with the results.

From the official description: "Two dorky Nevada worm wranglers are kidnapped by a gang of beautiful women as part of a hairbrained scheme to steal plutonium from the Mafia." That's a little wrong as they are not trying to steal plutonium. They are after platinum. Why? Who knows/cares. A total micro budget, so bad it's good flick with an attractive group of actresses who cannot act. The guys can't act either, although the lead did remind me a little of Jimmy Stewart and he's got some crazy to him. In the movie trivia it says he really took a shotgun blast to the chest while wearing a BPV. Yeesh! When your budget ain't all there ya gotta improvise. It tries to be funny and succeeds occasionally. There isn't anything in here that you hope to see with a movie like this yet it's strangely watchable. If I had made this with my drunk buddies in the midst of a weekend black out I would have been very happy with the results.
Looks like my kind of movie.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Hereditary 8/10 I found this to be the most dread filled horror film I've seen in years, loved it.

Crawl 3/10 (Only slightly ashamed of having watched this to begin with)

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 7/10 (Fantastic until the alternate history crap similar to Inglourious Basterds)

Hereditary 8/10 I found this to be the most dread filled horror film I've seen in years, loved it.
I agree, it’s brilliant. I’ve been trying to find something like it since it came out, to no avail. I don’t think Midsommar is similar at all.

Hereditary 8/10 I found this to be the most dread filled horror film I've seen in years, loved it.
Yeah, Hereditary is great.

Crawl 3/10 (Only slightly ashamed of having watched this to begin with)
I . . . still plan to watch this movie.

I agree, it’s brilliant. I’ve been trying to find something like it since it came out, to no avail. I don’t think Midsommar is similar at all.
Have you seen Mandy?

For me that's one of the only films that managed to evoke both dread and over-the-top craziness that was comparable. They are different films, but Mandy evoked some really similar emotions in me.

Have you seen Mandy?

For me that's one of the only films that managed to evoke both dread and over-the-top craziness that was comparable. They are different films, but Mandy evoked some really similar emotions in me.
Yes! That’s actually a 100% match, I absolutely loved Mandy. Thank you for reminding me about it, I’m overdue a rewatch.

Yes! That’s actually a 100% match, I absolutely loved Mandy. Thank you for reminding me about it, I’m overdue a rewatch.
It was the only "true match" I could think of.

Although, actually, I think that Possession (1981) also fits that mold of intensity and strangeness and STRONG FEELINGS.

Some other honorable mentions might be:
Some episodes of Hannibal
A Tale of Two Sister
Kill List
Lake Mungo
Santa Sangre
God Told Me To
Who Can Kill a Child?
In a Glass Cage

The Bourne Identity (2002, Doug Liman)

I've never seen the Bourne trilogy in its entirety - only snippets here and there. Finally sat down and watched the first film today, and I'm glad I did. Liked the mystery, the tight plot, the action/fight scenes - just an all-around solid spy thriller.

The Bourne Identity (2002, Doug Liman)

I've never seen the Bourne trilogy in its entirety - only snippets here and there. Finally sat down and watched the first film today, and I'm glad I did. Liked the mystery, the tight plot, the action/fight scenes - just an all-around solid spy thriller.
Love the Bourne Trilogy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

A lot more fun and gorier than I expected. Kinda loved it. The girl had some Cage rage in her and I liked Kevin James in a bad guy role. Some good kills!

On Chesil Beach (2017)

Low key adaptation of an Ian McEwan novel(la?). For me it captures the book perfectly with the underlying yearning and regret. Good job by both main actors but I never felt the film personified the mutual attraction that well.

Clueless (1995)

Iconic 90s high school movie. Dripping with 90s style. Alicia Silverstone is adorable as the spoilt, naive but kind hearted Cher. One of the few examples in teen films of the popular girl who's not a complete bitch. But it's the fashion that's the real star of the film; from the sublime to the ridiculous, every scene is a visual feast. There's nothing dramatic or profound about the story but it's a pleasure to watch. Funny, charming, feel-good entertainment.

4/5 Stars.

Adam's Apples (2005)

Outrageous without being silly, this is one of the best dark comedies I've ever seen. If you think rape, molestation, handicapped children, and racism is funny, then this is the movie for you. Great rec by MG and MM since I never would have watched it on my own.