21 bad movies baby boomers love

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You can't win an argument just by being right!
You know it won't be long until some people actually start claiming films should be destroyed because they have something socially embarrassing in them (like Breakfast at Tiffany's with Mickey Rooney's Japanese character) or because an actor/director/producer did something naughty once...Think I'll go watch Rosemary's Baby before it's gone.
Yes to all of this! I thought his behaviour, including his phone calls to his ex, was deplorable but I wont stop watching movies just because he's involved with them. If I want to see them I'll see them.

Movies aren't going to be destroyed guys. Some people find it difficult to separate the artist and their work, them not liking the movie or changing their opinion on it is not the first step towards movie burning. I know those posts aren't 100% serious but i still find them kind of hysterical, reminds me of the gay marriage? what's next people marrying their kids or animals? argument.

Also Braveheart is a pretty bad film and i've been saying that way before Mel's behaviour.

Why? Braveheart is a technically and artistically well made and thoughtout film that covers an underutilized time period. The only reason people don't like it is because of Mel Gibson's politically incorrect drunken ramblings.
I hated the film long before any of that happened.

Welcome to the human race...
Why? Braveheart is a technically and artistically well made and thoughtout film that covers an underutilized time period. The only reason people don't like it is because of Mel Gibson's politically incorrect drunken ramblings. When we start deciding by social justice committee what is and is not art by the politics of the artist then art loses all meaning.

It's McCarthy meets Kafka
Says the guy who thinks that that's a good enough reason for people to deserve a special place in hell.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0