Yeah, Finch got me a little

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I mean it's a formula, alright. Early on it's quite predictable, but it's just such a well-done example of the genre, insofar as you can call this a genre.

Hanks is just ridiculously watchable, as always, too.

Just to expound: it's almost cynical, the pitch: "Tom Hanks with a dog and cute robots!" I'm almost mad I found it compelling, but that's movies for ya', I guess.

Honest review/reaction I like it and yeah it 'got me' too. Hanks makes it look so easy. Formula+Hanks is formula+ a master in his craft. Plus I really like the post-apocalyptic sub genre. Finch will probably make my top 100 sci-fi films of all time easily.

I mean it's a formula, alright. Early on it's quite predictable, but it's just such a well-done example of the genre, insofar as you can call this a genre.

Hanks is just ridiculously watchable, as usual.
NY Times reviewed it poorly. But, what the heck, I’ll put it in my Netflix Q.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sadly, it is not a Netflix film. Apple+. Or presumably purchase-able elsewhere.

I wouldn't really argue with anyone who gave it a poor review. Well, lackluster. It's too well made to call poor, I think. But as I mentioned above it's kind of a straightforward film, it's just executed so well that it rises above its undeniable formulaity. That's not a word but it should be.

Sadly, it is not a Netflix film. Apple+. Or presumably purchase-able elsewhere.
Right. I just dumped it in Netflix Q to remind me of its existence. Once a year or so I go through netflix saved movies & see what can be purchased or purged.