MacGuffins: An Alfred Hitchcock Club


I own Topaz and haven't watched it yet. Also own and haven't watched Torn Curtain and Family Plot.
I've never seen Family Plot. I've seen but can't remember Torn Curtain, so I need to watch that again too.

Regarding silent Hitchcock films, if that's what people want to do that's fine. As much as I love silent films, I'm not particularly interested in Hitch's silent work, so can't say I'll be watching them anytime too soon. Perhaps one day I will.

I feel off the viewing schedule because of work, being busy as hell, and then a vacation where I didn't have much access to stuff like that. I unfortunately missed Dial M which I would have loved to revisit.

Anyways, I'm probably down for more Hitch especially stuff I haven't seen.

June is fine. I have Topaz on request from Netflix DVD. So I'll be watching that whenever they manage to send it to me (currently it's tagged as 'very long wait' which probably means they don't have the DVD!)

I plan on watching/rewatching all of Hitch's films some day. The last I seen was To Catch A Thief.
Yeah, I continue to work my way through. I'm really hoping I can do it by the end of the year. We shall see.

Ready to setup some more Hitch viewing. I would love to do 5 of his silent films. If anyone has requests or readily knows which are easy to find let me know. Hope at least a few will be into this.

I learned recently Hitchcock had a home in Scotts Valley.

I live near Scotts Valley

That means I'm Hitchcock reincarnated.


I learned recently Hitchcock had a home in Scotts Valley.

I live near Scotts Valley

That means I'm Hitchcock reincarnated.

Gotta change your avatar to Hitch now.