Lost (Possible Spoilers)


Abraham was the one ordered to kill his son, Isaac; the Biblical story is referenced by Desmond while he's a monk in one of his flashbacks. Awkward scene, since he completely misses the point of the story even though he's already been accepted as one of them, and it's borderline Sunday school stuff that he'd definitely have understood better, but no matter.

Anyway, Isaac, in turn, became the father of Jacob. Isaac had another son named Esau; Jacob and Esau (brothers) have a famous Biblical story of their own, wherein Jacob gets Esau to give away his birthright for some food, and tricks Isaac into bestowing it on him. He does this by dressing like him (an oversimplification, but it's enough for these purposes).

That creates an interesting comparison to the season 5 finale, in which...

WARNING: "Lost, Season 5 Finale" spoilers below
...Lost Jacob is confronted by Ben, who angrily demands to know why Locke is so special, and why he was able to see him even though Ben never had, despite being loyal. You could say that Ben is Esau and Locke is the Biblical Jacob in this scenario, with Ben/Esau angrily wanting to know why something he felt was rightfully his was granted to someone else through trickery. And just as the Biblical Jacob achieved this by impersonating someone, so does the Fake Locke impersonate someone to achieve his ends. That's sort of a dog-leg parallel, because on the first point it uses the real Locke and on the second, the Fake Locke, but you get the idea.

Amusingly, I've heard some people call the Man in Black "Esau" since he's at odds with Jacob.

A system of cells interlinked
Seems you have already processed a lot of this concept, and a lot of it seems to fit. Clearly this story was an inspiration for some of the Lost material.

Here is another interesting tidbit regarding Locke's alias:

Jeremy Bentham (February 15, 1748–June 6, 1832) was an English philosopher best known for his advocacy of utilitarianism. Bentham's positions included arguments in favor of individual and economic freedom, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the end of slavery, the abolition of physical punishment (including that of children), the right to divorce, free trade, usury, and the decriminalization of homosexuality. In 1785 he designed the Panopticon a type of prison which allows an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners without the prisoners being able to tell whether they are being watched. After his death, Bentham's body was preserved and stored in a wooden cabinet; this preserved body, called the "autoicon", has been on display at University College London since 1850, and every fifty years is brought to the College Council meeting where Bentham is listed as "present but not voting."

...and back on the bible tip, Jack is listening to Gouge Away on the way to the funeral home, a Pixies song based on Samson and Delilah...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Was just reading the same stuff. Bentham was, of course, an ideological opponent of many things purported by the real life John Locke, hence Widmore's comment about how he "had a sense of humor" when he picked his alias, just as John's parents did when they named him.

A system of cells interlinked

You have a nice advantage of having watched all of this relatively close together. I am sure there is an absolute deluge of details that have faded in my mind a bit.

Time to watch the entire series again!

Oh, wanted to touch on what i had mentioned in the Shoutbox the other day, too:

I think I said I really liked the Season 5 finale, but I meant 4, with the Frozen Donkey Wheel...I feel like that is when things went right off the deep end and the show got incredibly compelling - for me anyway.

Yeah, definitely. The more I thought about doing it this way, the more sense it made to me. It's not as compressed as I'd like (it's been about 45-50 days since I started), but real life has intruded a few times. Having that compression has definitely helped with the details, as you point out, but with overall story arcs and other things like that.

There's also Lostpedia, which is insanely detailed and helps to refresh and/or illuminate things from time to time. Frankly, the only real issue I have with it most of the time is that it tracks so many minute things that it can be hard to wade through it all and get to the most interesting things.

Anyway, part of me is not looking forward to catching up, because then I have to wait week to week like everyone else again. Bleh. Lost's incredibly dramatic endings are far more fun than frustrating when you know you can just pop the next disc in, but I'll bet they're terrible when you know you have to wait another week to see what happens next.

A system of cells interlinked
You would be correct in that assumption! It's pretty rough.

I am on the Lostpedia right now!

Any thoughts on the esoteric nature of the show I mentioned earlier?

Also, I amended my earlier post above with the shoutbox reference I made to season 5 finale (should be season 4).

D'oh, I think I saw that post before you edited it. You mean this bit, yeah?

Which begs the question: Has Lost become too esoteric? Does one need degrees in philosophy, mathematics and engineering to finally "get" what is going on?

Just a bit of research reveals that dozens of pieces of relatively obscure (to the layman) literature is being drawn from by the creators. Let's hope they can balance all this stuff out come May...
I think in a few cases, yes, but in most cases, no. As long as the storyline is compelling on the surface, and most people will pick up on a couple of references here and there, it still works, and the deeper references just enrich it further. As long as those things aren't necessary to a basic appreciation and enjoyment of the show, though, I'm all for them.

Anyway, whether it's too much or not, I think Cuse and Lindelof know their audience. The audience today is simply not the same audience the show had in its first couple of seasons; it's not a ratings behemoth anymore. You can't have a complex, intelligent show that simultaneously has enough broad appeal to pull in 20+ million for very long. I think that, starting with season 4, the show embraced its more literate, modestly-sized audience and went with headier stuff. Any casual viewers were going to bow out for some of those seasons either way, I think.

I like it, because I like any non-comedic show to be highly engrossing. It suits my personality and the way I approach most forms of entertainment. I can see how it might turn some people off, but I think most of those people had already stopped watching. It seems more like the effect than the cause, in other words.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I don't think there's anything wrong with the crazy philosophical references and hat-tips to cultural and literary stuff. There are a ton of philosophers' names used in the show: Hume, Locke, Rousseau, Charlotte Staples Lewis (CS Lewis), Faraday, Hawkings, others. And there are the omnipresent books that show up in every episode. Whenever they show a book on a shelf or in someone's hands, Lost fans look at the titles. They always mean something, even if it's just fun. When the Lost writers found out that writer Stephen King loves the show, they started throwing some of his titles into various episodes, as a sort of "thank you" to him.

I love stuff like that -- makes for far more fun subsequent viewings.

A system of cells interlinked
Agreed. I actually love the fact that Lost has so much random mythos injected into the world. When I recognize a book or other reference in the show, it starts a whole different line of thinking I hadn't considered before.

This show is tremendously engaging, and as per usual at this time of year, I am hooked like a big ol' dumb fish.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Here's part of a post I just wrote on the Alphasmart forum in a thread we have there on "Lost." I will add spoilers just because Yoda isn't QUITE caught up!

WARNING: "Spoilers on ending theories" spoilers below
I like the new "candidates" concept -- with the people on the list being candidates for ... Jacob's replacement? (That's my guess.) And apparently Sayid failed the test and is out of the running? (That is also my guess.) Next up is Sawyer?

My hunch is that, if my other guesses are right, Jack will end up being the Jacob replacement. He's always had the most to prove, the most to atone for, the most struggling with the island and his own destiny. It would be fitting for our other characters to find their way back into their normal lives peacefully, leaving Jack to continue the work of defending the island.

Just my two cents. I reserve the right to amend my theory within two minutes of the end of the next episode, at all times.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
...and back on the bible tip, Jack is listening to Gouge Away on the way to the funeral home, a Pixies song based on Samson and Delilah...
Are you sure it's not Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana?

I have theories on the kid, and I hope Jrs saying it is his son is just a theory and not a spoiler.

I was thinking it could be Jacob himself, or Aaron.

Notice the names on the ceiling? Kate wasn't there. Meaning the candidates probably have to be male.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

...I hope Jrs saying it is his son is just a theory and not a spoiler.
It's a spoiler, that's why it's linked and in tags below.

Originally Posted by Jrs
WARNING: "Lost Season 6" spoilers below
Episode 6.04: The Substitute (Locke-centric)
Airdate: February 16, 2010
  • - We learn of a connection between The Smoke Monster and MIB. Fake Locke gets an old friend to join his army. Ben lies to Illana about what happened inside the temple. Jacob is dead and his ashes are collected by someone whose name has 5 letters. Someone tries to persuade Sun to visit the temple claiming that Jin is there. Frank want to try and see if his plane on the other island will still work Sun insists they bury someone properly. Frank makes a comment about thn old friend crosses paths with someone unexpected off island.e "weirdest funeral ever." Ben makes a touching speech. Sawyer is drunk when he reunites with a familar face. Someone reveals that they know a lot more about the island than Ben. We find out that Jacob has a child. An old friend crosses paths with someone unexpected off island.

If it's a spoiler, then shouldn't it be marked as such both times? The link only provides the source, but the text linking to it is a spoiler in and of itself, as well.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It's Jacob's child.
You flat out state it here.

I'm going to stop posting in this thread because of this stuff. Season 3's finale was ruined for me and I was seriously pissed. After that I made an effort to stop reading up on imdb message boards and DarkUFO's Blogspot.

I don't need it here either.

I do like the different speculative theories on DarkUFO but take only the odd bits are worthwhile. That said, here's my take on some bits, excuse the rambling and lack of proof-read as of yet. I'm glad people have picked out the contextual relevance of certain characters names- do like the parallels between Locke and Alpert's counterparts. Also it's borrowed far too many references and drawn too many allegories to subscribe to one particular pre-determined idea, a lot of the Biblical reference are very strong yet i think it has to conclude with somewhat broad strokes to encompass all these ideas without being any particular one. And obviously work for the average viewer who doesn't draw these comparisons.

Jacob + Flocke/MiB/Smokey

We've put one and two together of Flocke meaning all the other dead apparitions are also incarnations of Smoke Monster. Could they all have physical interactions though, as Flocke did saving Sawyer? I think this new ability has something to do with Illana stating he couldn't change anymore. Something different has happened to him for this to be the case. Whether it's killing Jacob or the fact Locke was a Candidate is uncertain. It does however suggest the apparitions Hurley saw of Jacob was Jacob.

In regard to the relation between the two- Jacob and MiB- a lot suggestions say Jacob is MiB's guard and the Island his prison. I don't buy this. Just because the MiB wants to 'go home', I believe this could pertain to several situations not necessarily being the prison scenario. Primarily I think that Jacob and MiB are two equal but opposing forces, not strictly conscripting to good/evil- they seemed far to amiable at the beech to have a more aggressive dynamic. I see it as a larger version of the hatch, one believes he must stay and 'push the button' / 'protect the island' - the other believes it's futile and wants out. They both idealise to different outlooks on the human condition, off the cuff- free will and destiny. Who for which is questionable. Jacob's influence on the Losties seems to imply destiny and Smokey offering free-will.

Alternate Timeline

Personally, i think this being caused by Juhead is a big red herring along with the Island being underwater. I believe it's always been occurring simultaneously as the one we know. I do agree that some incident has caused some effect on this Alt time line giving it relevance to be shown, probably it's the Island underwater thus negating Jacob's influence. Though certain things will play at to similar effects in both timelines, such as all of them being in Australia. I think the ultimate purpose of this is to show the two converge and prove or dismiss the ideas of MiB and Jacob- and reach the final end. This is Jacob's endgame, i believe. He knew his death would put about a chain of events to achieve this. Desmond is the constant between the two or has an ability to be conscious across both, as was Juliet after being exposed to the electro-magnetism similarly as Desmond was from the hatch.

Island Underwater

Regarding the end of Season 5, i still believe whatever happened happened. This is why i don't think this caused the Island to be underwater in Alt. I don't deny it, just doubt it. The Island being underwater, however, would explain how the Black Rock wrecked in the middle of it and also when it was first 'moved' the initial view of it disappearing doesn't say it didn't just go underwater. Not directly related but through it in here, burying the dead- does this stop MiB taking their form? Is this why Locke was taken to the Island so he could be buried thus keeping MiB trapped in his form? However, why of all people, would Sun know this. Illana has the knowledge of it so if this were the case, she'd have wanted to bury Locke

The Loophole

OK so the loop hole was finding a way for MiB to kill Jacob. Initially it seems to be manipulating Ben into it. Why Ben? My guess is it's because when he was younger and shot by Sayid and subsequently saved in the Fountain- he was made different. This we know. Although how many others have been in the spring, Dogen knows of it's property and attempted to use it to heal his hand. Did young Ben die and come back from life? Other possibilities could be he's the "leader" of the Others, as is Locke. Also both turned the Donkey Wheel and returned to the Island. I think at this point it can't be worked out exactly.


Ok so the cave gave us an answer to the numbers. This has given the most questions far for me. Were the numbers important before being assigned to Candidates or special because of them. Jacob must have known of The Numbers thus must have known which Candidates were special. Were the numbers assigned to names before or after, if so he must have known they were coming for a long time. I'm not convinced they haven't just tried to shoehorn in a meaning to the numbers as of yet. Kate's absence, maybe because she's a woman but there are arguably other women already on there crossed out, if you don't want to get pedantic and suggest the allude to male relatives. Is she important or not important at all. Yet to be seen, arguments for both- she wasn't meant to be on plane, wasn't there from choice, is the tie between Jack and Sawyer- more a Richard character. A theory i read was she is the 'substitute' so if any of The Numbers died, she'd replace them to keep the equation intact.

Who are the candidates? Ok so they're there to replace Jacob but Jacob never seemed like he to want to leave. Is this a lie so MiB can get away with killing Jacob whilst maintaining the balance. Or are they in fact to be his replacement and leaving with Sawyer was a lie or maybe that IS leaving? I'm not one way or the other on him wanting to kill the Losties, it makes sense in the good/bad dichotomy but it also seems far too direct of an approach for Lost to take considering all the shades of grey. Although the symbolic nature of the scales seems to suggest he is evil and does want to kill them, which would be a shame due to it's apparent simplicity.

Was it actually Jacob's cave? I like to think Jacob wrote the names and MiB crossed them off. MiB obviously knew Locke was a candidate when he chose to occupy his body so i don't think this was a mistake on his part. Whether Flocke becomes more Locke (as evidenced by one of his catchphrases) and his disability comes into play preventing MiB from leaving is another possibility. I think it's another point there's not enough information on yet to speculate a conclusion.

The Temple

The desire to keep the Losties 'safe' inside the Temple stems to their apparent importance as candidates. So safe from what? It seems to be Flocke who is now a threat as of Jacob's death. The Ash seems to be Jacob's after Illana took them out of the fire and the is to repel Smokey, much like the electromagnet fence- is Jacob and that energy tied? However, Smokey has been seen around the Temple and has been controlled by Ben via some similar ancient ruins below Dharmaville. I'd say the initial thought is that the Temple somehow relates to Flocke's home and this is where he wants to go.

Young Boy

It's a fair assumption this boy is Jacob but could be Aaron or a more omnipotent force, with his knowledge of rules and Flocke's apparent fear. It's fair to say Jacob can take other avatars as MiB has, plus we have already seen Jacob appear post death to Hurley. I'd say the visions Losties see of people not trying to influence them, Kate's white horse and some of Christian are Jacob. MiB using Christian to make Locke turn the Donkey Wheel might have a link to when he left or entered the cabin (depending if you see the ring to keep him in or out). The blood on his hands also tie to his stabbing. The fact Sawyer can see him also is worth note, i'm inclined to say whoever it is, only candidates can see it.


It's got Claire and seems to have got Sayid. It's a fair bet it's what got Rosseau's team but then why is she so similar to Claire? Is this how MiB 'claims' his candidates? Do they need to die to be reborn? It explains Richard's threat of Flocke wanting to kill all the Losties.

Jacob asking Hurley to take Sawyer to the Spring

An interesting counter to the notion is, as has been pretty ascertained, Jacob instructing Hurley to take Sayid to the Temple. He must have known the effect is death has had on the water and how Sayid would be 'infected'. People seem to think Dogen's poison was designed to kill Sayid, surely the more obvious answer it was a poison to the infection, anyway. Maybe he will take the pill, killing the infection yet still being claimed giving him some power- all part of Jacob's plan. Maybe he will be Ben's polar opposite and they will become the new MiB/Jacob.

Great overview Pyro Tramp, and one of the cleanest concise ones Ive read. Did anyone notice SmokeLocke yelling at the boy "You cant tell me what I cant do!" which is what Locke used to say when in a wheelchair. Is Lockes soul trapped in SmokeLocke?! Dun dun DUUUUNNNN!!!!

Drunk Sawyer cutting thru the B.S. with SmokeLocke was vintage Sawyer. Back when in the early seasons Ben used to talk about somebody being "The One". Hey Ben couldve just been making crap up again, but Richard Alpert went to Locke when Locke was just a boy, and had him pick objects. Then got upset when he didnt pick the right one indicating if he was the right one or not idk. My theory is Locke never was "The One" but Sawyer is. Again it all couldve been an angle concocted by Ben Linus.

Jacks dad roaming about and his body going missing in the alternate reality...coincidence? HA! Desmond being on a flight he never was on is interesting too. Especially since Rose never saw him. Show sure has come a long way from when everyone wondered what was in the hatch.

I think Desmond actually being on the flight is open at this point, it could be one of his time jumps or he could just have sat back in his seat and Rose never noticed. Do like his 'see you in another life brotha' becoming more prophetic. I'd be more concerned about Rose, Locke and Hurley all being on the flight and not recognising each other after.

I pointed out 'don't tell me what i can't do' above
However Locke's belief in his importance and ultimately, at this point, being insignificant is one of the show's biggest ironies. I'd hope to see his legacy come to fruition in a positive way. I wouldn't count him out as a Candidate yet

I think Christian missing in Alt is more relevant to Jack becoming more towards Faith than Science and his acceptance.

Sawyer could be Flocke's endgame, hence why he never left the Island, however i don't see how he's any more relevant than the other Candidates at this point other than he's weak and vulnerable atm which is how MiB likes them. I think Sawyer will be 'judged' as the other Losties have been

Juliette in death murmered something about "Lets have coffee but go dutch" She tells Sawyer it worked and the plane never crashed, So Im willing to bet in this alternate reality Juliette will meet Sawyer and they go for coffee.

The Candidates are Sayid, Jack, Sawyer, Jin, Locke, and Hurley. Unless Locke comes crawling out his grave like Carrie I think its safe to omit him. Jack and Jin I doubt are ... simply because theres no signs whatsoever. Hurley might be, but I fear theyd do something stupid and say this was all Hurleys schyzophrenic delusion. They better not. Thatd be worse than when in Dallas a whole season was supposed to be Pams dream. Sayid might be, and Sawyer I strongly feel is. Sawyer has emotionally transformed more than anyone on the island, and is easily the most survivable. Been thru the most too.

The Black Rock could have been in the ocean and the island suddenly plopped right underneath it. Stranger things have happened.