So NBC is spinning off a series with the characters from John Grishams wildly successful novel The Firm.

I'm not exagerrating when i say, back then, everywhere you went, from airports to beaches, every other person with a book in their hand was reading the Firm.

This was the days before the

It was adapted to the big screen with Tom Cruise, Gene Hackmen in 1993 which launched Grisham into Tom Clancy territory in terms of getting his novels adapted almost as quickly as they hit the shelves, each one with stronger casts than the one before. It was pretty awesome i gotta say.

The question i have is, with so much time having passed between either the novel (1991) or the movie, will the pilot pretty much recreate the 1st 2 acts and play out the 3rd as the meat of the series?

Or just create a whole different story line..alternate reality with the same characters?

whatchu mofos think?

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.