Receptors removal


Hello everyone
I have been looking for a movie I watched once with my ex, around maybe 7 years ago.
A man was imprisoned by a psychopath who wanted to punish him for crimes or something. He wanted to remove his abilities to sense, one at a time.
Then sleeping gas fills the room.
The victim wakes up in bandages around his nose. He unwraps, then his nostrils are covered in dry Blood. He can't smell anymore.
Same goes for other receptors.
His senses were removed one by one in the same manner.

It was one actor movie + the voice of psychopath from speakers.

I think it was a thriller and I'm not sure in what language it was... Maybe in English, maybe in Italian, French, etc. The actor wasn't too young... if memory serves me well... It was long time ago and if it wasn't in English, I'm afraid that the number of people able to help me identify the movie, would be extremely narrow.

I beg you to help me find it.
Is there a better way to find it than posting here and waiting?

Thank you upfront

Senseless (2008)?

"A moral maze, the film tells the story of Elliot Gaast, an American executive of dubious ethical standards who is captured by a mysterious group and tortured live on the internet with the systematic removal of his 5 senses".

I DO love you!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!

I must have checked another "Senseless" movie before, so I can tell that I was very close