True Stories That Should Be Made Into Movies?


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Before I put something down, I have to make sure it hasn't been made into a movie already.

Your reasons for it being made could be quality or quantity (money) or whatever other reasons you think of.

There are a lot of 9/11 related instances that could be made - I can only think of 4 that were made off the top of my head:
World Trade Center,
United 93,
Reign Over Me,
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
...the last two were related but I don't know if they were true stories or not.

For a long time I was waiting for a movie about the Chilean miners, then found out the movie had been made in 2015: The 33.
I saw it. It was decent, but I thought considering the story, it could have been much better.

I'll be back with more!

Oh here's one -
I've always been fascinated with the story of Roanoke the Lost Colony - the first American colony founded by the English, but which failed.

I know there's been at least one made-for-TV horror movie made about it (The Ghosts of Roanoke?), but I'd like to see a fact-based movie about the voyage and the establishment of the colony - I realize the end of the story can only be left to speculation since no one knows what happened to the colonists, but there are several theories.

The beginning, middle, and end result of the 2010 BP oil spill crisis in the gulf of Mexico.

Probably the most damage we did to the planet since Nagasaki.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat. I think that story would make a neat antology movie.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

Mob movies have been overdone and most of them are terrible but i'd like one taken on by someone with talent about the Philadelphia Mob. There's enough material there for a trilogy through Brunos, Scarfos, Merlinos and Ligambis eras, two different mob wars, disputes with New York. Merlino was in talks with people to get it made but his involvement would guarantee its terribleness, it would turn out like a TV Movie with a bigger budget and no doubt it would glorify the life of crime and Merlino.

In all honesty though i can't think of a director that would do it justice except Scorsese but i want him to be done with Mafia films.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Got my foot caught under a door last week. Currently sending the screenplay to publishers. Think it can be like that one James Franco movie, about the guy who gets stuck between a rock and a hard place, except, you know, under a door.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat. I think that story would make a neat antology movie.
He puts on the hat and the film is all about him searching for his wife, call it "Wears my Wife".

Got my foot caught under a door last week. Currently sending the screenplay to publishers. Think it can be like that one James Franco movie, about the guy who gets stuck between a rock and a hard place, except, you know, under a door.

He puts on the hat and the film is all about him searching for his wife, call it "Wears my Wife".
Seriously though, it's a pretty cool and bizarre story. His doctor tells that, as the guy was leaving his office, he actually tried to take his wife and put her on his head, and that the woman seemed to be accustomed to it.

In the book, there's also the story of a man who thought his leg didn't belong to him, and tried to throw it off the bed. Of course, he would always fall off the bed too.

I think this could make for an excellent movie, with clever editing tricks or visual effect emulating the neurological problems of the patients.

E from the band Eels' (Mark Oliver Everrett) autobiography is a stunning story which everybody should read. I'd love to see a movie about his life. He will be played by Jared Leto.

obviously Britney Spears`life. but not till shes old or dead,not now and not by lifetime.

and Georgia Durantes autobiography "the company she keeps".She was a model who married into the mafia.
Britney is my favorite

I second a Britney Spears biopic (not counting the Lifetime movie that's currently in the process of being made) - definitely the most interesting celebrity of recent years.

Maybe a Morrissey one too.

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I've heard rumors of a Bill Hicks biopic, a Mort Sahl would be good. I'm sure the movies wouldn't be great, but then the people who did like it could go and find REAL stuff on them via youtube, etc..

Welcome to the human race...
I've heard rumors of a Bill Hicks biopic, a Mort Sahl would be good. I'm sure the movies wouldn't be great, but then the people who did like it could go and find REAL stuff on them via youtube, etc..
All the more reason not to bother in the first place. I can't really see much of a hook for a Bill Hicks movie, anyway (at least American had the somewhat novel idea of combining audio interviews with cut-out animation).

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All the more reason not to bother in the first place. I can't really see much of a hook for a Bill Hicks movie, anyway (at least American had the somewhat novel idea of combining audio interviews with cut-out animation).
There's been some good documentaries... Russell Crowe and Ron Howard were talking about doing something. What I don't want is what they did to "The Doors" (Oliver Stone) - a lot of inaccuracy, but too much attention paid to sensationalism (alcohol) and not enough for the regular guy, which doesn't have to mean boring - there is one amazing interview with a Canadian interviewer.

But even with the negatives, people go right on Youtube, etc., and find the REAL person.