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“BTW, thank you for increasing your font size to normal in your last post. Your post above where you mention navigating the site, uses such small font that it can be hard for other people to read. I assume you're using Word to compose your messages, you might try increasing your font point size to 12 in Word that should be the same font size as MoFo's default size.”
Citizen Rules, you are correct that I compose messages on Word and cut and paste into the message box. I selected my text and clicked on the “1” font size in the box but when I saw it was too small, I clicked on the “2” font size, and it appears to look okay.
Citizen Rules, you are correct that I compose messages on Word and cut and paste into the message box. I selected my text and clicked on the “1” font size in the box but when I saw it was too small, I clicked on the “2” font size, and it appears to look okay.
BTW your font in this post still looks small to me and is hard for me to read...I'm in my early 60s and my eyesight ain't what it use to be.
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Hi Mark, it was my mistake when I said try font size 12, I don't use Word so that was an educated guess but I guessed wrong, sorry.
BTW your font in this post still looks small to me and is hard for me to read...I'm in my early 60s and my eyesight ain't what it use to be.
BTW your font in this post still looks small to me and is hard for me to read...I'm in my early 60s and my eyesight ain't what it use to be.
Really? Because I’ve looked at other members’ posts, and the font of their text doesn’t look any bigger than mine.
“BTW your font in this post still looks small to me and is hard for me to read...I'm in my early 60s and my eyesight ain't what it use to be.”
Really? Because I’ve looked at other members’ posts, and the font of their text doesn’t look any bigger than mine.
Really? Because I’ve looked at other members’ posts, and the font of their text doesn’t look any bigger than mine.
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Hello and welcome!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch
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Yes, your font looks really small compared to the normal font on MoFo like I'm typing. Besides myself, two other MoFos have commented on how small the font in your post is. I can't explain why it wouldn't look small for you? Maybe @Yoda could help out.
OK, I’ll go up from 2 to 3 on the post/reply box font size. Maybe that will help.
When I look at this site, I’m doing so through a 1600x screen magnifier, so that’s why it doesn’t look small to me.
To those of you who have welcomed (or will welcome) me, thank you! Glad to be here!
“Yes, your font looks really small compared to the normal font on MoFo like I'm typing. Besides myself, two other MoFos have commented on how small the font in your post is. I can't explain why it wouldn't look small for you? Maybe @Yoda could help out.”
OK, I’ll go up from 2 to 3 on the post/reply box font size. Maybe that will help.
When I look at this site, I’m doing so through a 1600x screen magnifier, so that’s why it doesn’t look small to me.
To those of you who have welcomed (or will welcome) me, thank you! Glad to be here!
OK, I’ll go up from 2 to 3 on the post/reply box font size. Maybe that will help.
When I look at this site, I’m doing so through a 1600x screen magnifier, so that’s why it doesn’t look small to me.
To those of you who have welcomed (or will welcome) me, thank you! Glad to be here!

Oh, I just replied to your Oscar winner threads and used the same font size you did so that you could see how it looked to us, it's an experiment...but I'm betting with 1600x magnification it would look quite different.
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Thanks for trying
I know you said you have vision problems so it must be a real challenge for you to post and read here. BTW you make very interesting threads! So glad you are at MoFo and please don't get frustrated with trying to tweak font size, when Yoda is online he's the best person to give advice on how to do that.
Oh, I just replied to your Oscar winner threads and used the same font size you did so that you could see how it looked to us, it's an experiment...but I'm betting with 1600x magnification it would look quite different.

Oh, I just replied to your Oscar winner threads and used the same font size you did so that you could see how it looked to us, it's an experiment...but I'm betting with 1600x magnification it would look quite different.

Citizen Rules, thank you for your kind words. Let’s try the new (and hopefully larger) 3 font, and if that doesn’t work, let me know. I’m new and I’m legally blind, so please bear with me. Just remember that with 1600 magnification, everything looks big to me.

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