Oscar Picks

Slasher Hall of Fame Part II


Well it's been a while, I wasn't even on the board when it came out..

Rules are simple, send in one or two noms, we'll try and get this started around October 1st for Halloween

The only disqualified films are the previous winners Halloween(1978), Deep Red, and Psycho




Peeping Tom (1960)

Black Chrismas (1974)

The Prowler(1981)

Psycho II (1983)

Slaughter High (1986)


I Know What you Did Last Summer(1997)


Terrifier (2016)

I’m nominating one for now, because I don’t know if I can do 20.

20 ?! I'll wait too
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

We have 1 nominated film if you just want to nominate 1 film that's fine

Nominating two films??

I'll do one. Two seems too much.

So nominate 1 I'm not going to run this unless we get 8 films I don't care how we get them just that we get them.

I think if we can get around 8-12 people who all nominate one film each, that would be the perfect zone for this type of event.

Yeah no kidding, I would love 8 people but that doesn't look like it's happening

Let the night air cool you off
Maybe instead of starting this on Friday the 13th, you should wait until the start of October. There might just be too many HoFs going on right now for the people who are into HoFs to be up for this one. I don't pop in as much as I used to, but it seems now as if these things were bullets, this place would be dangerous.

Maybe instead of starting this on Friday the 13th, you should wait until the start of October. There might just be too many HoFs going on right now for the people who are into HoFs to be up for this one. I don't pop in as much as I used to, but it seems now as if these things were bullets, this place would be dangerous.

I don't get what that second statement means however I think we've got 4 people who haven't finished both of the Halls and new ones are going to pop up. I don't particularly like running a second one I thought there was interest but I guess not.

I don't get why people who watch horror movies during Halloween don't sign up for this.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well I'm in. Let me know if others join up. We should avoid all the Halloweens, Nightmares, Fridays and Chainsaws just to change it up from the usual.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Let the night air cool you off
Right now it seems like 1. Siddon, 2. ahwell, 3. TUS, 4. me and that's it for the moment. With Derek as a wait and see. I just nominated mine.

Is this still happening? Who's in right now?

I updated the top of the list, Destiny gave us two noms so that helps both will make Usual Suspects happy. We've got 6 movies, if you want to do another nom that'll be 7.

Well I'm in. Let me know if others join up. We should avoid all the Halloweens, Nightmares, Fridays and Chainsaws just to change it up from the usual.

Yeah you don't have to worry about that, so if you have a nomination please send it

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Actually, I only turned in one nomination. I listed another movie, just in case the first movie I chose was already taken. Then I did the exact same thing again, just in case the second movie I chose was already taken. I do believe everyone wants to keep it at one nomination each. That's fine by me.

Actually, I only turned in one nomination. I listed another movie, just in case the first movie I chose was already taken. Then I did the exact same thing again, just in case the second movie I chose was already taken. I do believe everyone wants to keep it at one nomination each. That's fine by me.

If we get rid of the doubles than we drop down to 4 films...so no not everyone wants to do one nomination. I know people were scared about the possibility of 20 films but that's not happening. You don't have to do two noms and if you don't think you'll finish I don't want you to but the doubles have worked out very well in the comedy hall's and I think you guys should give it a try.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
If the three maybes pop in, we will have nine nominations, with one nomination per member. However, if you would prefer more films being nominated and everyone is fine with that, I will nominate a second film. It's your thread, so it's your choice. As I stated in my private message .... If the first two films I listed are still available, then those are my nominations, in said order.