Movies you were most excited for


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Boldly going.
This topic isn't about what movies are coming up, nor is it about what movies you enjoyed the most. This topic is about movies which you were most excited to see - whether they lived up to your expectations or not.

Avengers Endgame
After the excellent Avengers Infinity War and the cliffhanger the filmmakers left us, I couldn't wait to see the sequel. It was well worth the wait and to this day it's a standard in the comic book movie genre.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Adventure (2012)
Just as Avengers Infinity War and Endgame set standards in the comic book genre, Lord of the Rings (2001-2003) set the standard for fantasy films. The third movie in that trilogy even won 12 Oscars - quite an achievement, one that only 2 other films (Ben Hur and Titanic) have rivaled. The Hobbit also is one of my favourite books, so when I heard they were making a live-action movie and it was being directed by Peter Jackson, I was pumped. Unfortunately the trilogy, while good, was not as good as I'd hoped.

The Incredibles
For an animated film, The Incredibles was, well, incredible. And we had to wait over a decade for the sequel. While I didn't enjoy Incredibles 2 as much as the original, I did enjoy it very much, and I look forward to a third installment and I hope it doesn't take another 14 years for it to come to fruition.

Back to the Future Parts 2 & 3
Back to the Future was an '80s sci-fi classic, one that everybody in my family enjoyed. I was very excited to see the sequel, and after the cliffhanger at the end of the second movie, I just had to see what happened to Doc and Marty.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
I grew up with Star Wars: My dad took me to see the first movie when I was just 4 years old, and despite falling asleep in the theatre, I've watched that movie probably 30 times more since then. In addition to the movie trilogy, I played with the toys, I read the comic books, and listened to the records. I knew the movies so well I could probably quote almost every line of dialogue. Star Wars was legendary. Then... silence: there was no new Star Wars for over 15 years... Until, 1999, and it was announced there would be a new Star Wars movie. A prequel, set some 30 years before A New Hope. Well, I could not wait. I even took my dad to see it. It turned out to be not as good as the original trilogy, but I still enjoyed it and I still enjoy it to this day.

Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens
If my anticipation for Episode 1 was 4/5, my anticipation for Episode 7 was 5/5, especially after I heard they were bringing back original characters- Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO... I mean, c'mon! But... this was definitely the biggest disappointment in terms of expectations. Star Wars was never the same after that.

Ready Player One
Ready Player One is one of my favourite books of 2011, and I was super excited when I heard they were making a movie of it. The movie was okay, but it did not live up to the book.

What movies were you most excited to see?
Boldly going.

Here’s my list, by order of excitement level:
1.The Lord of the Rings (blew away expectations
2.Avatar (performed below expectations)
3.Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (performed below expectations)
4.Schindler’s List (blew away expectations)
5.Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (performed below expectations)
6.Jurassic Park (met expectations
7.Saving Private Ryan (blew away expectations
8.Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (met expectations)
9.The Lost World: Jurassic Park (performed way below expectations)
10.The Hobbit (totally sucked A$$)


I was excited for Fellowship. My then boss dismissed it fantasy kid's stuff and made the case for From Hell being the one worth checking out.

Pearl Harbor - I was excited for the definitive Pearl Harbor film, what I got was a lame romance story.

2010: The Year We Make Contact - 2001 is my favorite movie, so yah, I was excited. It's been 40 years so I can't go into any detail, I just remember I didn't like it.

2010: The Year We Make Contact - 2001 is my favorite movie, so yah, I was excited. It's been 40 years so I can't go into any detail, I just remember I didn't like it.
It was OK. But "OK" as a sequel the the best science fiction movie of all time is the same thing as falling down the stairs on fire into a pile of elephant poo.

I don't actually wear pants.
I'll stick to those what were coming out in the cinema that I was dying to see. I typically get excited to watch almost anything that interests me. "I get to watch a movie? Awesome. Let's do it. I'm stoked," and et cetera.

Star Wars Episode 1: Left disappointed.
Fellowship of the Ring: Hated it.
Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl: Loved it to death.
King Arthur: Wanted to cry from how much I hated it.
Dark Knight: Came away highly impressed.
Inception: Left wildly disappointed, and came away hating Christopher Nolan's writing.
Jurassic World: Expectations were roughly met.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I looked forward to watching Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. I had no expectations. I felt I would either like them or not like them. I only watched them because they belonged to two franchises I like.

I looked forward to watching Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
That's Charlie Brown expecting Lucy not to pull away the football territory after TPM and AotC.

Most recently(ish), Midsommar and Late Night With The Devil.
It seemed as if those films were made especially for me.


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
That's Charlie Brown expecting Lucy not to pull away the football territory after TPM and AotC.
I liked Revenge of the Sith by the way. In fact, I enjoyed it very much.

I liked Revenge of the Sith by the way. In fact, I enjoyed it very much.
I liked it too. I wanted to love, but it didn't quite get there for me. And I was still expecting Lucy to pull the football.

I liked Revenge of the Sith by the way. In fact, I enjoyed it very much.
Definitely Lucas at the top of his game.

I think Phantom Menace gets a bad rap. Yes, everything involving Jar Jar Binks was idiotic, and midi-cloreans and the immaculate birth were terrible ideas, but the action was still good, especially the podrace, which was fantastic.

Revenge of the Sith was far from perfect, with a lot of story and dialog problems, but overall it was okay. The action was still good and the dark bits were adequately dark.

It's really Attack of the Clones which was the biggest disappointment. Yes, Yoda lightsaber fighting was cool, and the first 10 minutes had promise, but everything else was the wrong choice, done badly.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
For a kid in 1977 there was no bigger movie event to go to than Star Wars (1977). It was such a big deal that there were lines around the block waiting to get into the one theater that was playing it in my home town. It played at that same theater for 1 year which had to be some kind of record. Kids at school talked about and we couldn't wait for the next installment.

Whitney Houston: A Concert for a New South Africa

And Whitney's bit (almost all of it) lived up to the expectation.
99% audience approval on RT. 411.5 stars out of 415.

I was excited for Fellowship. My then boss dismissed it fantasy kid's stuff and made the case for From Hell being the one worth checking out.
Your boss was correct. Unless you like hiking, then Fellowship is the way to go.

There's only really three films for me that I've been that excited for. The remake of Shaft because I loved the original and Samuel L. Jackson was playing Shaft for crying out loud. Throw in Singleton as director and how could it miss? Well, Shaft isn't the coolest person in the film, let alone the world, so it instantly fails and it was heartbreaking.

Before Sunset. I adored Before Sunrise and was so excited for this. Nah. Maybe I wanted it to be too much but I think it's not 'that' time, so the magic isn't there. As a 'sequel' to 'The most romantic film of the 90's' it fails and I was crushed. I really should watch it again just to see if I like it without that level of expectation. And, no, I've not seen Before Midnight. Why would I bother?

I'll end on a positive though, as A Nightmare On Elm Street I was dying to see after seeing/reading a few things about it and the stir it was causing Stateside. A friend told me her dad had been to the video shop and they had it, I said that was impossible as there's no way it'd have been released on video yet (it used to be about a year between being released and out of video) but they were positive and took me to see. Sure enough, there it was and it was even better than I'd hoped.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Napoleon, 2023. It was an opportunity to bring back historical epics by showing that they had mass market appeal and could do well in theaters. What we got was a glorified chick flick and historical scenes with all the anachronisms of Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" but none of the fun that movie had.
Sent via Blackberry

Gladiator. I was 19 when this movie came out and as a teen I really liked a lot of the old classic Roman era movies, particularly The Robe and Demetrius and the Gladiators. So I was super excited at the prospect of seeing a Roman epic with modern acting and modern effects. It was an instant favorite and I saw it five times in the theater and countless times at home.

Ratatouille. Although I no longer keep them as pets, I have loved rats since I was a young child and they are often not portrayed in a favorable light in media. So when it was announced that Pixar (who had not yet sunk into mediocrity) was releasing an animated feature starring a rat, I was ecstatic. Sure Dreamworks/Aardman had released Flushed Away the previous year - and I really like that movie too - but Ratatouille was something special. I saw it three times in the theater and countless times at home.

Mad Max: Fury Road. I grew up watching The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome and had always loved the crazy-weird vehicles, characters, and costumes of those movies - though I had no particular attachment to Max himself - so I was thrilled at the idea of a new movie with even more craziness. The adrenaline soaked trailer had me pumped. I ended up seeing it four times in the theater and countless times at home.

Joker. Though I was not excited for it when it was first announced nor when clips/production stills/etc. started coming out. I'm not a fan of superhero movies and wasn't at all sold on the idea of Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker. It wasn't until that teaser hit that I really got excited - and I watched that teaser over and over again, then did the same when the full trailer come out. I ended up seeing the movie three times in the theater and countless times at home.

Am I really the first to mention the Dark Knight Rises?

Both kinds of payoffs for me come down to Sir Christopher Nolan... I was madly anticipating Inception and I was super satisfied with it afterwards... then I was even more excited for The Dark Knight Rises and my high hopes were collapsed like a Football field in Gotham stadium... I don't think I've ever anticipated any movie that hard since then.
HEI guys.