Solo: A Star Wars Story


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Imagine what a shock it would be if it turned out to be a masterpiece

Imagine what a shock it would be if it turned out to be a masterpiece
No offense, but you'd probably think it would be.
212 555 6342
Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
358 Exchange Place New York, N.Y. 10099 FAX 212 555 6390 TELEX : () 4534

YES, I remember when 'Suicide Squad' and 'Justice League' were masterpieces after they were tinkered with by the studio.

Yeah, not happening.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
No offense, but you'd probably think it would be.
You're probably wrong.

This could be good!

Still going in with this open minded. Remember World War Z got reshoots? Rogue One? Gone With The Wind?

Just because it's had changes doesn't mean its gonna suck. The Interwebs has made many too cynical.

This might just do nobody any good.
I wish I wasn’t such a nerd that barely a minute of footage could make me forget all previous objections and ignore behind the scenes scuffles.

*Deep Breath* Okay....Okay....Okay.


*Watches Trailer*

.................I don't really know what to say to be honest.

Like, it looks cool, but....

There's just something...brewing.

That I might not like.

Best to sleep on it.

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
That's the pure dope.

Great seeing one of the "secondary" films blowing the doors off any TLJ trailer.

I'm waiting to go see TLJ at the second run because the trailers were uninspired.

Solo is a first weekend must see because of one little trailer.

and Donald Glover.

Dark, Gloomy, Ugly; reminds me of Rogue One (with less saturation.)

I have a feeling these re-shoots took a toll on the film. Getting lots of Batman v Superman vibes from this.

Wow, nice coat. This film is going to be a No doubt.

Muah, Muah, Muah. Superb film in the making! Perfezionare!

I really don't have any problem, with people being hyped for the movie because they think it looks dope.

I want to eat my words, I really do. But I doubt this turns out. It's going to a polished, re-shot mess; I can already tell.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Oh dear. I'm torn now. I was going to not watch this because of things like it being a terrible idea for a movie, all the production troubles, and Last Jedi being kind of crap, but... maybe. Even if only for Donald Glover.

*Waves Hand*

You will buy a ticket for Solo: A Star Wars Story

*Waves Hand*

You will submit to The Donald, and all his moustache glory.