Takeshi Kitano Leaving Office Kitano


"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

30 years ago, actor-director Takeshi Kitano and Masayuki Mori founded Office Kitano, which produced all of Kitano's hit films of the 90's to recent, from Violent Cop and Hana-Bi to Sonatine and the Outrage trilogy. It has been confirmed by Mori that at the end of the month, Kitano is leaving the company he founded to have more personal time and go the indie route when it comes to making films.
It's All About the Movies

“I was cured, all right!”
Thats a shame but Kitano is very old, I think he is searching easy projects now. He said in some interview that Outrage: Coda would be his last violent film. I'm really sad with this news.