Movie genres that you think you have seen most of the best movies?


¤ Mental mystery/suspense thrillers, or whatever the thing that these have in common is called:

12 Monkeys
Lost Highway
Conspiracy Theory
Stir of Echoes
The Long Kiss Goodnight (Well first half anyway)

¤ Fantasy/time travel drama. Like these:

Safety Not Guarantied
Man Facing Southeast
The Family Man
Midnight in Paris

¤ I'm not a horror fan so haven't gone out of my way to make sure there aren't any better, but Spooky stuff I don't roll my eyes to and that actually works as movies would be another. Like:

The 4th Floor
Half Light

Zombie and Superhero films. Always original. Working on many levels. Allegorically fertile. Archetypal in their appeal. We're not even close to mining the potential these genres.

Your homework is to watch 10 musicals before the end of the year.
I would say at least 20!

For me it would be noir, westerns and musicals. Oh and maybe also CBMs.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
For me it would be noir, westerns and musicals. Oh and maybe also CBMs.
What is a CBM? And would it been so hard to type it out so that I didn't have to ask?

CBMs are comic-book movies.