Happy's Place


This new NBC sitcom stars Reba McIntire as a woman named Bobbie who has just inherited the bar owned by her late father who is shocked to learn that she has a Native American half sister named Isabella who is named in Happy's will as co-owner of the bar. The series is created by Julie and Kevin Abbott and this is the only item on their IMDB page which made me immediately nervous. Ten minutes into the show and Reba is already working my nerves, the character is already coming off as racist, which doesn't bode well for the show. Belissa Escobedo, the actress who plays Reba's new sister, is nothing to write home about. They chose to attempt a built in fan base by casting Reba's co-star from Reba, Melissa Peterman as her co-worker, but I never watched Reba so her presence does nothing for me. Her character is needy to the point of annoying. That scene between Gaby (Peterman) and Isabella brought the show to a dead halt. Isabella is a little pushy for someone who doesn't seem to have any experience running a bar. The only supporting cast member I'm feeling is Rex Linn as Emmett. McIntire is over the top and needs to be reined in a bit and the writing really needs work, but right now, I'd be surprised if this show makes it to Christmas.

As a fan of Reba McEntire and her previous show "Reba", I really wanted to like this, but I thought the pilot episode was pretty dull.

I'll give it a few more episodes, but I don't have high hopes for this show.
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I thought it was decent. It does feel like a very old fashioned, traditional style sitcom, but I chuckled a couple times during the pilot.

Season One, Ep 2. "Aw look at there...now she's giving God's notes." "You called me lifesaver...I've already been paid." I'm really starting to dislike Isabella. Did like Emmett's attempt to humble Isabella a bit. Love that Emmett is an opera fan, didn't see that coming. "You can care for someone and totally resent them." What did Bobbie think she was going to accomplish with that call to the lawyer? Isabella played Bobbie like a fiddle. "Even your accent can't make that sound pretty." Reba was actually quite effective in that confrontation with Isabella. "But by all means, enjoy the rest of your hissy." It sounds like you're mad, but the words don't match. There were some great one-liners in this episode, but I'm still not feeling the actress playing Isabella.and Melissa Peterman continues to be annoying.

I thought the second episode was a little better than the first one, but I'm still on the fence with this show.

Season One, Ep 2. Melissa Peterman continues to be annoying.
Melissa Peterman was annoying as Barbara Jean on "Reba". I think they're trying for a similar character relationship between her and Reba's character in this show too.

Season One, Ep 3. "Oh yeah, pick up that newspaper." The mismatched socks story actually makes some sense. I mean, if you're wearinig long pants, nobody sees them. I think Isabella moving back to the hotel is a good idea. Can't tell exactly how Bobbi feels about Isabella living with her. I really don't care about Steve or Dakota. This show is starting to lose me, there's no forward moton. I might give it one more episode but if nothing changes, I'm out.

I'm a big fan of Reba McEntire, and I really wanted to like this show, but it's just not a good show. Most of the characters are terrible.

If this show has any chance of making it, they're going to have to make some major changes. Basically, they should keep Reba and Rex Linn, and get rid of everyone else. Find a way to make the show revolve around Bobbie and Emmett.

Season 1, Ep 4. "He wouldn't know the backside of busy if he were wearing plaid pants." Melisa Peterman is working my last nerve. Bobbie and Emmetrt going fishing sounds like it has some comic potential. "It's dangerous to learn by video." Gabby seems really threatened by Isabella. Does Emmett have feelings for Bobbie? Where did Gabby get the term "cocktology"? Isabella is a little full of herself for someone who knows nothing about running a bar. Emmett is right, Bobbe needs a life outside the bar.

Season 1, Ep 5. Might as well watch it since it's here. "I haven't been dating since they called it courtin." "What is so awful about you that I don't already know?" "I thought that was a sweater...he's not wearing a shirt!" Gabby's pregnant? Little early in the season for that kind of storyline move. Tha whole intervention scene was a bore. You should be able to tell from my shrinking commentary regarding this show where I'm going with this. This show has lost me, I'm out.

I'm so excited to see Reba back on TV! She's hilarious and I can't wait to see her dynamic with Belissa Escobedo. The premise sounds intriguing, and I'm curious to see how the sisterly bond develops.
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