This new NBC sitcom stars Reba McIntire as a woman named Bobbie who has just inherited the bar owned by her late father who is shocked to learn that she has a Native American half sister named Isabella who is named in Happy's will as co-owner of the bar. The series is created by Julie and Kevin Abbott and this is the only item on their IMDB page which made me immediately nervous. Ten minutes into the show and Reba is already working my nerves, the character is already coming off as racist, which doesn't bode well for the show. Belissa Escobedo, the actress who plays Reba's new sister, is nothing to write home about. They chose to attempt a built in fan base by casting Reba's co-star from Reba, Melissa Peterman as her co-worker, but I never watched Reba so her presence does nothing for me. Her character is needy to the point of annoying. That scene between Gaby (Peterman) and Isabella brought the show to a dead halt. Isabella is a little pushy for someone who doesn't seem to have any experience running a bar. The only supporting cast member I'm feeling is Rex Linn as Emmett. McIntire is over the top and needs to be reined in a bit and the writing really needs work, but right now, I'd be surprised if this show makes it to Christmas.
Last edited by Gideon58; 10-27-24 at 09:41 PM.