Attachment post scripts


.. I didn't particularly want to post that picture. It was just an experiment to see if that method worked. AND IT DID!

I took your suggestion, and didn't preview the post before posting it. Then it comes up just fine! I also tried moving the "attachfull" code around in different parts of the message, and it still worked fine.

I'll try it this evening from home machine using Ubuntu, just to make sure, but I think we finally have a winner! THANK YOU very much for your patience!

BTW, you mentioned about the "Log Out" function. On both machines, when I click Log Out (and the confirmation) there is a pop-up saying something about an error, and to "click here" if you want to log out. After clicking there it allows you to again click "Log Out", and then it logs out. Strange, but at least it works.

Thanks again my friend; and to CR and Movie Gal.


Re: attachments. Woohoo! Glad that worked. Appreciate your patience.

Re: logging out. I assume you mean there's a pop-up confirmation and then an error (not that the error is on the pop-up), but yeah, aware of that. I'm very loathe to dig into the login system unless I have to, though, and since it's just one extra click I'm inclined to live with it for now. And if that leads to people never logging out, hey, all the better.

Thanks, bro. And I tried it on the Ubuntu with the same good results. So the key is to not preview a post when there's an attached picture.

Re the logging out: glad to hear it's not just me. And the extra step is no problem at all.
