How to choose your favorite movies


Two ways:

1) Go to your profile, and where the favorites would be, you'll see a link to edit them.

2) Click on User CP and look on the left. Basically all user options are available from the User CP.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
How to choose your favorite movies

When I read the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be about how you decide which movies are your favorites, like what makes you like some movies more than others.

I was kind of disappointed to find out that it was only a "how to" question.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

When I read the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be about how you decide which movies are your favorites, like what makes you like some movies more than others.

I was kind of disappointed to find out that it was only a "how to" question.
Here you go, gbg...

1.) Weigh how long ago you saw the movie vs. how much of it you FONDLY remember. (If you can remember the whole plot, twists, scenes, and lines and you saw it 5 -10 years ago or more, it might rank as a favorite). Movies you watched last week, but that you can remember little about, probably won't rank.

2.) How willing are you to watch it again? (Desire for re-watches is a good indicator of a favorite).

3.) Do you find yourself comparing other similar movies to the one you keep thinking about? If so, it may be a "favorite".

4.) If you see it on TV, do you stop just to catch some scenes or lines despite the commercials or the fact that you've already seen it or re-watched not too long ago, or even have it in your collection?

5.) Is it a movie you want to show to your friends, family, significant other or pet?

6.) Does it happen to fall into a genre you generally despise, yet you think this specific movie is fantastic anyway?

7.) Do you prepare extra popcorn, snacks, special food or drinks and turn all the lights off in preparation to watch it?

8.) Have you given it a solid
or above because you felt compelled to review it on the MoFo?

9.) Have you ever paid to see it again?

10.) Have you ever seen it advertised as playing somewhere (either in the theater or on TV) and called someone to let them know when or where even though you wouldn't be able to see it again yourself? (i.e. recommended it)? Or given a copy of it to someone as a girft?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Here you go, gbg...

1.) Weigh how long ago you saw the movie vs. how much of it you remember. (If you can remember the whole plot, twists, scenes, and lines and you saw it 5 -10 years ago or more, it might rank as a favorite). Movies you watched last week, but that you can remember little about, probably won't rank.

Thank you.

I agree with most of what you said, except for #1. There are movies that I saw many years ago that I remember a lot of, but not because I liked the movie. Sometimes it's because of how bad the movie was, or how graphic the movie was.

Thank you.

I agree with most of what you said, except for #1. There are movies that I saw many years ago that I remember a lot of, but not because I liked the movie. Sometimes it's because of how bad the movie was, or how graphic the movie was.
Gotcha! (I have a list of movies that traumatized me as a child that I can't forget!)
- so I'll add "fondly remember".

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Gotcha! (I have a list of movies that traumatized me as a child that I can't forget!)
- so I'll add "fondly remember".

The #1 movie of my list of movies that traumatized me as a child is Night of the Lepus (1972). I love rabbits, but I never want to see that movie again.

The #1 movie of my list of movies that traumatized me as a child is Night of the Lepus (1972). I love rabbits, but I never want to see that movie again.
Ha-ha! I used to wait for that to come on the 4:30 movie!
(Luckily, I wasn't afraid of rabbits - not even giant ones. I did like the photography in the movie though - the way they made regular rabbits look giant. Pretty good special FX for the era.)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Ha-ha! I used to wait for that to come on the 4:30 movie!
(Luckily, I wasn't afraid of rabbits - not even giant ones. I did like the photography in the movie though - the way they made regular rabbits look giant. Pretty good special FX for the era.)

I remember when I saw the commercial for it, one of the rabbits looked exactly like my sister's pet rabbit, so I was looking forward to seeing the movie.

I guess I should have paid more attention to what the movie was about than just the cute bunny rabbits on screen.