Man in park phones home, arrange xmas presents 4 kids, shoots himsels


It botters me for weeks now: I remember a scene from a movie where a man in a suite is in a park near some kind of memorial and is talking on the phone with his wife and kid about presents and Playstation. At some point he says "non-negotiable" to his kid and at some other time refers to his kid as "pal". When he finishes the call he shoots himself and the camera zooms out. It should be some political thriller or something of the kind, but I can be mistaken. The movie should be from the 90's. So I think 1990-2005 should be the interval.

Yes, it is! Thanks so much

Just out of curiosity: How did you remember this scene? Did it make an impression to you?

The image of that gigantic arm is immediately arresting (it's from 'The Awakening".) Plus Sandra Bullock really nailed her screen icon as "the girl next door" type and still plays variations on it 24 years later.