Movie You're Watching Tonight


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It never grows old or dated.

Few weeks back my boss texted the office group that she would be out that morning. She followed stating, "should you need me..." I of course replied with a YouTube link to the last scene where Sarah is back home in her room then Hoggle and Didymus appear to say, "Should you need us. Yes, should you need us..."

She responded, "so weird."


Few weeks back my boss texted the office group that she would be out that morning. She followed stating, "should you need me..." I of course replied with a YouTube link to the last scene where Sarah is back home in her room then Hoggle and Didymus appear to say, "Should you need us. Yes, should you need us..."

She responded, "so weird."

I know people who have never seen it and most of the ones I know who have seen it.. are in their 20s. Im 52 and love this damn movie just like I love The Dark Crystal and even Fraggle Rock! I was a teen but who cares, its nostalgic!

Based on the truth.. and lies.
Last Harrah's from my cities only video store chain closing down, time to move

I'm harming nobody, just robbing a few graves.
Watched Mario Bava's Black Sabbath the other day and really liked it, tonight I'm rewatching the italian version of it with my parents, I doubt they'll like it, but it gives me an excuse to watch it again.

Brother grimm