long relaxed discussion between Van Horne and the witches, where they tell him their worst intimate fears about death. Later in the film, when they push him away, he takes revenge by making these exact precise things happen to each of them.
What's freaky about these scenes is less the personal tortures themselves (respectively decrepitude, creepy crawlers and pain - although the use of fruit in pain was brilliantly evocative) than the idea of how an open, trusting discussion about metaphysical fears could be weaponized like that. Such discussions
long relaxed discussion between Van Horne and the witches, where they tell him their worst intimate fears about death. Later in the film, when they push him away, he takes revenge by making these exact precise things happen to each of them.
What's freaky about these scenes is less the personal tortures themselves (respectively decrepitude, creepy crawlers and pain - although the use of fruit in pain was brilliantly evocative) than the idea of how an open, trusting discussion about metaphysical fears could be weaponized like that. Such discussions
If I had to be murdered I'd like for whoever's killing me to at least make it interesting, so I'd go with some saw trap type sh*t. A stabbing or something is just another generic stabbing, why not go out with a bang