Human Centipede: First Sequence


Don't know about the sequels but I was a bit surprised by how powerful the film was.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

why it was banned on some countries?

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So yeah... I'm about to watch Full Sequence now and for my own sanity I will keep Movie Forums up just in case I want to say anything...
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

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... this is gonna be unpleasant...

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I'm 15 minutes in and it's the hardest thing to watch ever... it's literally painful to watch... and nothing grotesque has even happened yet...

anyways, I'll get back to the film now!

So yeah... I'm about to watch Full Sequence now and for my own sanity I will keep Movie Forums up just in case I want to say anything...
I've got it on my rental list on blu-ray, so will have all that glorious detail when it's sent...

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I've got to log off or else I will not make it through this film.

~20 odd minutes in and I have to say, it's surprisingly well done.

I'm watching an R-rated version though.

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oh man wtf man this was just an awful experience

dem final 30 mins.... jaysus christ

it was so horrible; easily the most horrible thing I have ever seen


There is deep ethical significance though, because anyone who watches this film will be convinced that there are indeed situations much much much much much worse than death. Like, situations that make the vast majority of deaths look freaking fantastic.

In other words, the argument that any kind of life is better than death is refuted by this film. Clearly there is a point where death is preferable to life; where yearning for one's own death is justified, and where not killing someone -- to keep them alive and suffering -- is what becomes morally impermissible.

Anyone who has the absolutist view that suicide/euthanasia is never permissible should watch this film.

Also, moral relativists should watch this film for similar reasons. Some things are just wrong. Never was I more convinced.

i'm going to watch the lion king now or something...

As a cinematic artifact however, it was pretty well-constructed so 7/10.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
I tried to get through this movie, and it was just too disturbing for my taste. That a scientist tries to play God is one thing; I can excuse that as long as there's deeper meaning behind it. It's the implied gross-out factor even though nothing is shown that really tears at me. The ethics in the film are explored well, and should be viewed if you are adamant on something like euthanasia. Just don't watch the film on a full or weak stomach--you won't be able to replace what you might lose.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I really did not think they were going to make a third, of course I kinda felt the same way about the second one.

Trio Cast In Third "Centipede" Film

March 4th 2012

Dieter Laser and Laurence R. Harvey will both play lead roles in "The Human Centipede Part 3 (Final Sequence)" reports EW.

The duo played the demented antagonists in the first and second film respectively. Writer-director Tom Six has also cast himself in a supporting part for this concluding entry in the trilogy.

Shooting will take place this May and June somewhere in the southern United States for a release in 2013.