Short movie with Gemma Arterton


There's a short movie with Gemma Arterton. Gemma runs on the street, maybe running away from something. I tried iMDb, but no good. Any ideas?

If it's not on IMDB, the two most likely explanations are:

1) Not a short movie (commercial, promo, whatever)
2) Not Gemma Arterton, just someone who maybe seemed like her or was misremembered as her.

And, I guess, 3), which would be that it is on IMDB but maybe the search was (understandably) cursory.

It's a short movie for sure. Gemma Arterton for sure. I looked on actress part on iMDB but no good.

Can you expound a little on the IMDB part? Did you just look at titles, for example, to see if anything rung a bell? If so, as tedious as it is, I think examining the titles one by one somehow would be your best bet of success.

IMDB isn't flawless but it would be supremely weird for a film with someone of this caliber to not be listed at all.

Found it, it's a music video. Bonobo - Kerala