Best David Fincher Movie?


I don't instinctively count Fincher against the best directors working today...but when I sit down and go through his filmography, I realize I probably should. He almost always makes interesting movies; I have some use for each of them.

Of those I've seen (all but Alien 3), here are my ratings, in order of rating:

1. Seven,

2. Fight Club,

3. Zodiac,

4. The Social Network,

5. The Game,

6. Panic Room,

7. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,

Wouldn't say there's a real bad movie on there, though it's possible I could be persuaded to bump those last two down another half-popcorn each.

My ratings are roughly as follows (though some of these ratings are pretty old, particularly Se7en which I saw in High School).

Benjamin Button


Fight Club

The Game

Alien 3


Panic Room

A system of cells interlinked
You didn't care for The Social Network, Lines? Haven't watched it yet?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Haven't watched it yet, but I plan to check it out eventually.

Just in case my ratings seem on the low side, I think Benjamin Button is one of the most interesting movies of the last decade, and I really loved Fight Club and Zodiac.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Social Network is a very-well made film, the directing and the writing are all superb and the acting is first-rate, especially from an impressive Justin Timberlake and a very wired Jesse Eisenberg.

Fincher's third best, after Seven.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

1. the social network
2. SE7EN
3. Zodiac
4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
5. Fight Club
6. Panic Room
7. The Game

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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I love the thread because I had a similar conversation with someone a while ago.

Fincher is a director who's name, I always greet with "meh, ok". But when you actually list his pictures your amazed not only by the level of quality he's managed to achieve, but also the consistency and over a multitude of genres which will always be the biggest test for any director, the ability to reverberate in a different place with the same volume.

Fight Club
the Social network

and maybe even Zodiac would make my top 50 without question.
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I think the new Fincher better than the old fincher, and my favorite is Zodiac, what a great film.

anyone liked Zodiac ,, i think he will fall in love with the korean masterpiece Memories Of Murder

Not a big Fincher fan. He's only had one great film. All the rest have just been mediocre. Or in the case of Fight Club, a lot worse. Always thought he was a better music video director than filmmaker. But he's not a bad director. Above average.

I'll have to go with Seven as his best. Was a tremendous film.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

Has to be:
1. Fight Club
2. Se7en
3. The Social Network

Although I've seen Benjamin Button I don't feel it deserves to be put on there.

I've seen all of his films... And I think they are ranked in this order:

1) The Social Network
2) Se7en
3) The Game
4) Fight Club
5) Panic Room
6) Zodiac
7) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
8) Alien 3

However from ZODIAC onwards, they are all in my favourite movies. So... Yeah. I am a huge fan!

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I want to change my ratings.

1. Zodiac
2. Fight Club
3. Se7en
4. The Social Network
5. Alien 3

At the moment, he's probably my favourite director, considering three of his films are in my top 10, and another I rate highly on a technical level. Alien 3 was a mess, though.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I still have to go with SE7EN because that's the one which really gets better with each viewing, but he does have several fine ones. I think that you, TD99, need to see his others: The Game, Benjamin Button, Panic Room.
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Se7en and Fight Club are my first and second favorite movie by Fincher. I wasn't as wild about Zodiac as most people, but I thought it was O.K. The first and second acts of Benjamin Button were really good, but it kinda lost me in the third. Panic Room was enjoyable and I haven't seen The Game or The Social Network.